A Headache Made From Lies Part II

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*Justice's P.O.V*

As I leaned against the seat of my motorcycle, I held my head down looking at the ground. I was on the curb of the street which the vacant lot in front of me. Some people were scattered along their cars socializing, and drinking. The only light was the streetlights, and Tonight was supposed to be the night where I could have a temporary distraction from all of this. I hated being lied to. This was the exact thing I was afraid of. Moving to this City.

I remember the days Jacob and I used to practice in our close friend's basement. Now we're dancing in 500 dollar studios. I remember we'd have to use the radio to dance to a popular song, now we have playlists on our 900 dollar iPhones. We use to create our own moves, but now there are thousands of dollars spent on a choreographer. Most importantly... Jacob and I used to dance because of our love for it. Because we shared deep passion for it, but now... it's all about money. I could feel a tear coming to my eye, and I lifted my hand up to prevent it from falling.

I was told Rachel was his 'First Love'. So what was I? Cause when his fame came, I wasn't mentioned, or acknowledged. Money really does change people, and that's why I was afraid to move here. Afraid to follow my dreams, because I didn't want money to change me. I didn't want the thoughts of my past to just slip by. If I were to have a 2 million dollar house, I don't want to forget the days my mother couldn't pay the 2 hundred dollar rent. If I were to own a tour bus, I don't want to forget the days I barely had enough to ride the Transit Buses. I don't ever want to forget where I came from, and how tough it was for me, because that's what taught me to not take things for granted, and love what I have, and thankful for how far I've gotten in life and I'm terrified that money.... that money will change me. Turn me into somebody i'm not, Extentions, tons of make-up, new wardrobe, new everything, even a new me. Hell, maybe even new dancing. My dancing won't be based on me expressing me, it'll be about the fans, the press, what THEY want. So what was once my passion, is replaced by millions of dollars, and to be honest. That's my biggest fear. Of course it'd help my mom and I out, but was I ready to look my mom in the eye and make excuses about why we haven't had dinner together, or why we hadn't went shopping? I just didn't want that lifestyle.

"What's Wrong?" I heard Daniel as he approached me. I smiled weakly. "Nothing. Waiting on the show" I said half true. "Yeah. You look nice. The Leopard is... um.." He scratched his neck. "Weird?" I asked. He nodded. I chuckled a bit. "I like weird. It sets me apart from the group" I said. He nodded. "Everything sets you apart from the rest of the group" He said. I looked him in the eyes trying to figure him out. Then I saw something in his eye. Something I'd never seen before from him. "What do you mean?" I asked. I could tell he tensed a bit.

*Diggy's P.O.V*

"Everything set's you apart from the group" I said. It kind of just slipped out. She stared deep into my eyes, and I stared into hers. "What do you mean?" She asked. I tensed a bit. I looked away, and leaned against her motorcycle a bit. It was a little difficult for me. I never had to explain or impress a girl, she was always already impressed, but Justice was different. I could feel my palms getting a bit sweaty. "You have respect." I started. "Not just respect for other's, but respect for yourself" I answered truthfully. She smirked and nodded. "You don't meet many girls like that. You don't walk around here titling yourself like 'I'm that b*tch, i'm the baddest hoe out here' You speak of yourself with respect, and you do the same with others." I stated. I could see her smiling, and her eyes seemed to have gotten watery. I could tell What I said wasn't the cause of that, but I could tell she had a lot on her mind. She looked really stressed. She looked reluctant, but she walked towards me until we were close enough to where we could feel each other's breathe on one another, then she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly, and rubbed circles on my back as she did the same. "Thanks Daniel" She whispered in my neck, my body shivered a bit. "Hey Justice?" I asked as we stayed in our position. I rested my head on her shoulder. "Can we... be friends?" I asked. I could feel her head move, So I think she smiled. "Only if you promise to make me some Strawberry Shortcake" She asked. That girl loved some sweets. "You like my cakes huh? I thought it could use some 'Working On'" I stated teasing her. It took her a while to reply, but then she did. "I'm pretty sure you've improved since." She said. I nodded while chuckling. "Hey Gorgeous" A voice said, I knew that voice anywhere and I just wanted to punch him for ruining the moment. Justice unwrapped her arms from around me making the front of my body no longer feel warm. "Hey Prince" She said hugging him. He kissed her on the cheek and smiled. "I'll see you guys later" I said as I began to walk back to the stage area. I was a bit upset, but I decided to take it slow, and wait a while to make my move.

***** Author's Note *****

Sorry Its Short. Unfortunately, I start school in 2 days, and that's basically self explanatory to why I won't be updating. I haven't gotten ANY comments on this entire book, and I only have 4 votes. So can you please give me some sort of motivation so I can update more often? Thanks, Bye Guys :)

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