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Long time , no updates Wattpad. Lol, here ya' go. Not edited

P R E V I O U S L Y...

"She's still struggling, but her movements mean she's closer to a normal state, and closer to recovery." She summarized

"Is there anything that we can do?" Ms. Armono asked-desperation evident in her voice. The nurse smiled genuinely. "Have patience. Its all dependant on her, if you rush her- her recovery could be affected." She said .

I smiled genuinely. Justice was going to recover soon, and I will definitely be there when it happens.

2 Days Later..

Daniel's Perspective -

I huffed heavily, my palms becoming more moist,  People passed me giving me curious looks as to why I was just standing in the doorway. Despite the occasional December breeze, my body was heated with ambition and nervousness. I stared at the automatic doors and decided to step a foot onto the marble floor, followed by another. My heart beating fast but my mind clouded. I slowly approached the busy receptionist.

"Hello, Welcome to Saint Michael's how may I assist you today?" The receptionist spoke as if it had been rehearsed a million of times. "Uh, I-I'm here t-to see Justice Armono" I choked out, my throat becoming dry. She pointed to a clipboard that consisted of a few papers. "Sign your first and last name, the patients first and last name and the current time" She explained robotically.

'Visitor Sign-In Sheet'

read the top of the paper. The pen shook a bit in my hand as I scribbled my name and hers. "And make sure while leaving you write the time that your visit with Ms. Armono was over" she said with a small smile. I checked my watch- 2:47 it read as I wrote that down in the column. The receptionist checked it, and with a head nod I was sent off. "Room 305" she muttered.

Each stride down the brightly lit hall brought more uncertainty and nerves than the last. I'm such a coward. Who waits 2 weeks to go visit the love of their life? I pressed the 3 button as I felt the gravitational pull below me. As the elevator doors opened, I stepped out and walked down the brightly lit corridor. 311 , 309, 307. I stopped abruptly when I came in contact with a brown door. I stared down at the bronze door knob, and twisted it slowly. I closed my eyes and exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I opened the door and there she lay, the most beautiful thing I ever saw. Everything was soon ruined by the words I never wanted to hear from her- "I Hate You" A feeling of pain soon ran through my body. The pain I was too familiar with. "Justice, can we please talk?" The rhythm of her heart monitor increased and worry flooded my mind. She turnt her face opposing mine.  "Ray." She whispered hopelessly .

"D, I think you shou-" "Nah Man. I ain't leaving. It's been 3 weeks. 3 weeks. And I've been trying to be considerate of her health and not to overwhelm her, but you and I both know that she doesn't deserve to keep being stressed out over something that didn't even happen." I paused feeling adrenaline in my veins.

"You love her Ray. I Love her too. You don't wanna see her hurt. Neither do I, but at least let me tell her the truth. So she can have some peace of mind" I pleaded. Ray looked at me firmly but behind the protectiveness I could see his eyes soften. "Fine. I ain't leaving tho" he said returning back to his original seat.

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