Chapter Four

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Scarlet's POV

I'm sitting in the auditorium after Facetiming Allie and a surprising pang hits me in the back of the throat. I don't know if it's nostalgia, bringing back how Flynn proposed, or by the way that he kept looking at Allie. From what I know about Flynn, which is a lot, and from what I know about Allie, which is not a lot, but it's starting to piece together... Flynn is going to fall in love with her. And even though I realized I never really loved Flynn, it's a whole other thing to know he's about to fall in love with someone else. I shake my head and take a deep breath.

I'm itching for a smoke or a drink but I promised Allie I wouldn't do anything to her body...yet. If it turns out this body is for life, then it'll be a different situation all together.

"You never skip, Al, what's going on?" I hear a voice ask beside me and I look over and see a cute boy. Oh wow, is he hot. I scour my mind through Allie's Facebook friends. Da- Da - Damon. I think he's another friend of Allie's, they did a musical together last year and that's as far as Facebook stalking as I got.

"Just feeling exhausted, Damon," I respond and put my phone down and take a deep breath. It's the truth.

"From what?" he asks.

"Life," I look over time and take a few seconds to really check him out. Damn, Al. How could you just b friends with this hottie? Oh, right, you don't think you're worth anybody, "The real question is what are you doing here?"

Damon laughs, "I'm in tech class, Al."

I look around and see people mulling around the stage. I laugh and shake my head.

"Of course you are," I smile, "so what's new with you?"

"Uh, well, Fiona and I broke up." He says and looks over at the stage. Right, Allie's diary! Ew. Fiona is the worst. Allie does not like her because she's such a bitch to everyone (I'm paraphrasing). But, Allie as a rule doesn't 'hate' people, just strongly dislikes them. She thinks hate is too toxic and taxing on the hater and blah de blah de blah. I haven't met the bitch but I already hate her.

"Wow, I'm sorry, why?" I blurt out, trying to sound like Allie.

Damon laughs, "you hate Fiona, Allie."

I decide to stop being Allie, and start being me," Ok fine I do, but you didn't, why'd you break up?"

"She... she wasn't the girl for me. I hate the way she treats people. Just because we're the leads every year doesn't mean we're entitled to anything. We're not better than the rest of the cast, hell, you of all people know that. You're the most talented actress in our school," Damon says and smiles at me.

I know the compliments not for me, but I still feel my cheeks rise, "Wow, thanks."

"It's the truth Al, don't think everybody doesn't notice, but everyone in this stupid department is so invested in themselves that they don't give a damn about how rigged this whole system is," Damon rants.

"Does that include you?" I ask and he looks into my eyes.

"Not anymore," he responds. He drops his eyes and notices my outfit for the first time, "wow, nice look Allie."

"Thanks," I smile and toss my hair. Fuck. Allie would never do that. I would never do that unless... Aw, shit. I have a crush on Damon. Great.

Allie's POV

After a few hours I'm officially released from the hospital. I think the doctors wanted me to stay the night, but Scar's Mom was not having it. She convinced the doctors into letting me go to rest at home.

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