Chapter Five

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Allie's POV

Getting out of the hospital is a madhouse. A literal madhouse. As soon as we exit the building I'm blinded by flashes. I try to cover my eyes but it does nothing. I hear all sorts of things, (some of them very rude!), being yelled at me and I try to shove it out and focus on getting to the car. They start making noises and Flynn pushes them out of the way and helps me into the car. This gets a lot of reaction and it's not until we're driving away that I feel like I can breathe again.

"That's something, isn't it," I take a deep breath.

"You were just in the hospital, you'd think they'd give you some respect!" Amanda explains then she turns to me, "So Al, oh it just feels so good for me to call you that again! Al, what would you like to do now?"

"Oh well," I glance at Flynn, "I think I just want to go home and rest, maybe catch up some with Flynn? If that's okay?"

"Oh, certainly sweet, I'll make your favorite for dinner! Mash potatoes and grilled chicken!" Amanda explains.

"Oh no, you've had such a hard day, I'm sure, maybe we can just order pizza or something, I don't want you to fuss over me," I protest.

"Oh that's so thoughtful, sweet, isn't that thoughtful Alan, don't worry about it, I love cookie. Now, what would you like for dessert?" Amanda asks.

"Ummm, chocolate chip cookies?" I ask to be safe. I don't know if Scar has any allergies. Oh, I should tell her I'm allergic to peanuts. I shoot her a quick text telling her that.

"You've got it!" Amanda exclaims. Amanda and Alan start talking and I turn to Flynn.

"Do you have anywhere to be tonight?" I ask.

Flynn smiles and shakes his head, "I'm wherever you are."

I grin, "are you sure? I really don't want to inconvenience you."

Flynn laughs, "I promise, it's definitely not an inconvenience to spend time with you."

We get to the house and I step outside and realize I recognize the street. I've been there before. When? I look down the row of massive houses and look at the house across the street. Oh my god. That's Damon's house. He always knew a big celebrity lived across the street from him, but we could never tell which one. I'd been to his house a few times to work on a scene for theatre class.

Amanda and Alan have already gone inside but I stand frozen looking across the street.

"What's wrong, Allie?" Flynn asks. I point at Damon's house.

"My friend lives across the street. Maybe we can meet up with Scar through him?" I ask.

Flynn looks hesitant, "I don't know Allie."

"What?" I ask as we head inside.

"Scar's a little too much for me to handle right now. It's weird enough talking to you, I have to keep reminding myself you're literally a different person. Scar and I really didn't end on good terms," Flynn answers.

"I'm sorry," I respond, "I get if you don't want to see her. But I have to keep in touch with her, it's literally the only way I'm going to get through this. Nobody knows Scar's life better than hers. Besides, my life... is very pathetic, she shouldn't have to suffer through it alone."

"I'm sure your life wasn't pathetic," Flynn says and we enter the house to get attacked by Scar's three dogs. Bundles the bulldog, Rascal the Australian cattle dog, and Jemma the black lab.

"Hi puppies," I say sweetly and bend down to pet all of them, "are the dogs allowed up in my room?"

Flynn nods his head, "they sleep in your room, mostly your bed,"

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