Jimin and Namjoon

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I skipped up to the studio building. It's been about two weeks since BTS Became a band. I was on my way to practice with the guys so that we could record our first song. I looked at my watch. I was late. I began to run up to the studio room. I burst into the studio. The guys stared at me.
"S-Sorry I'm l-late.... I had a complication...." I said, thinking back to when I was throwing up in the dorm. Namjoon huffed
"Why happened?" He asked. I flushed. "Why is your hair wet? Why do you look so tired?" I huffed.
"I threw up because I don't feel good, I showered again and I just sprinted here because I was late." I said. He shook his head and sighed. He came up to me.
"Maknae.... Tonight I will punish you for being late." He whispered in my ear. I flushed and nodded. We began to practice the dance for the song. I downed a bottle of water to keep from throwing up during the practice. We ended practice and Namjoon took me home while the others went to eat.
"Hyung.... What are you gonna do to me?" I asked. He stayed silent. I felt him grab my arm. He threw me down onto his bed. "H-Hyung...." He pulled off our clothes. He spread my legs. I blushed dark red. He pulled on a condom and shoved himself into me. I screamed in pain. He slammed into me. I whimpered as he did. He slowed down when he saw my pain. He moaned when he released. He pulled out, got dressed and walked out. I trembled as I got dressed. That's punishment? Shit....
"We're home! Maknae! We brought you some Mandu(dumplings)!" Jin yelled. I walked carefully to the kitchen.
"Thank you Jin Hyung." I said. Namjoon didn't look at me. I took the Mandu to my room. I sat on my bed. It sat on the dresser. I haven't eaten all day. It was now 9pm and I had woken up at 6am. I ate the Mandu before passing out, tired, on my bed. The lights shut off. I heard Taehyung get into his bed on the other side of the room. Namjoon came in. He picked me up and carried me to his room.
"Silently this time Jimin." He whispered. I nodded. I took off my boxers. He pulled on a condom and shoved in. I bit down on my arm to keep from making noises. He pounded into me. He finally came. "Go back to bed. And don't be late tomorrow." I nodded. I pulled on my boxers and went back to bed.

Jimin, The Way To Obedient Maknae Where stories live. Discover now