Chapter 1

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Ponyboy and Two-Bit sat in class, one taking notes, one staring into space.

"This project will be a big part of your final grade, so I'd expect that you won't take this assignment so lightly. Right, Keith?"

Two-Bit was jarred from his thoughts at the mention of his given name. He looked over at the teacher and nodded with dull, bored eyes.

"And for this, you'll be paired up in groups of two. They are pre-selected, and no, you may not switch with anyone else in the class."

As the teacher started listing off names, Pony found he himself staring into space as well until he and a certain Greaser's name was called.

In pure, white-hot annoyance, he nearly snatched the baby doll (pic on right, where it says 'Multimedia' -->) from Mrs. Bates, until he got a look at her gorgeous, sparkling green eyes. More light and lively than his own, he thought, as he cradled her close.

She blinked her eyes and squirmed a little, which he didn't expect at all. When he went to question Mrs. Bates, she was off with another student.

Two-Bit appeared behind him, glancing at the infant in his arms over his shoulder.

"What do we call it?" He asked.

"Her." Pony corrected.

"Sorry, what do we call her?"

"Ally. Ally McKenna Curtis."

"Mathews." Two-Bit corrected. "How long do we have 'er?"

"Six months, class. You have your babies for six months." Two-Bit and Pony groaned inwards as Ally looked up at them with curiosity.

"And the real question is, how're we gonna explain this to Darry and Soda?"

"And my mom." Two-Bit said, touching the tip of her button nose.

She giggled and grabbed for his finger, which hers instinctively curled around.

"Alright, class dismissed." Mrs. Bates announced as the bell rang for them to go to their next class.

"Lemme hold 'er." Two-Bit said as they walked to their lockers.

"Where do we-?" Ponyboy screeched as Two-Bit opened his and started to place her in gently. "Two-Bit, jeez!"

"Well, where else're we s'sposed to put 'er?"

"I'll go get the carrier from the teacher so ya don't kill 'er on the first day!" Pony snapped as he walked back into the classroom.

Two-Bit shrugged and rocked the baby in his arms.

"Daddy's no fun, huh?" He asked. Little Ally just cooed and grabbed at his shirt collar.

Ponyboy came back with her carrier and a big bag. Two-Bit's eyes went wide.

"What the-" He took note of Ally, "Heck is all that for?"

"Babies eat and poop, Two." Pony said, trading the bag to Two-Bit who placed Ally in the carrier.

"I just didn't think dolls did." He mumbled as they walked off to their next class.

"Now who's gonna take 'er to class? Daddy or Momma?" Two-Bit asked.

"Daddy." Ponyboy said, shoving the carrier to him and walking off to English.

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