Blind dates suck

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"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! I DONT NEED ANYONE TO HOOK ME UP WITH ANYONE!!!" I scream at my roomate Laruen who is grinning uncontrollably.

"Soph, you're being sooo overdamatic." She says raking her black hair, "Its one of Jake's friends afterall.." I groaned in misery. Jake was Lauren's boyfriend for two years. I'm really happy for her , but don't think i feel like doing them a favor.

"Okay, Reny, I'm only doing this for you." I huff as I look a myself in the mirror. My black dress clings to my waist and my hair is in a bun with only a couple strands hanging out. .

"No, Sophie do it for you, you haven't had a boyfriend since..." she pauses mid scentence. She knows how that affects me. i shrug it off and slip on my cream stillotos.

"Soph I'm sorry..."

"Drop it Lauren., please, I'm fine." She was about to open her mouth when someone knocked on the door. I look at her and feel guilty. She didin't know what he did to me, and all Lauren wanted t o do is understand, but she will never understand. No one will.

"If, I'm not home by one, call the police. I give her a kiss on the cheek. " She stands up and bows down

"Whatever you say your highness." I open the door, and see a broen haired guy with a black tuxedo. Nice. I thought, i look down and

He. Is. Wearing. Gym Shoes.

Strike one. "Hey, I'm Gavin." He says holdign out his hand for a hand shake.

" Sophie."

"You look so beautiful tonight." He says handing me a bouquet of white roses.

"Thanks youre really handsome, if I say myself."

"Are you ready? We have to go I have my mothers' car and she doesn't know I took a date." I stare in bewilderment. I turn around to Lauren who just mouths Sorry.

Strike two. I turn back and smile. "Lets go" I hold my elbow out for him to loop his arm around mine. He takes the offer and walks me towards the car. A volks wagon beetle. Really? he opens my door and I slip into the car and put my seat belt on. We ride to the restaurant and our reservations are already made. We sit down and order our drinks.

"So what do you do for a living?" he asks me as our wines appear.

"Um I'm a blogger for a magazine online."

"Do you mean a wabazine?" I chuckle.

"Yeah so what do you do?"

"Well I'm a manager of the new Walmart downtown." I almost choke on my wine. You've got to be fucking kidding me. "Really " I say suprised.

"Yeah, sometimes it can be hetic, knowing that we are at the top of our game, you know being the top chain of superstores in America." He says as he takes a sip of his wine. We order our food and it comes a couple minutes later. We , talk about our childhood and everything out the blue. The tab comes and Gavin gives the waiter his card. As we continuer to talk the waiter comes over and whispers something in Gavin's ear.


"Are you sure I could've swore.."

"Sir, it said that it could complete the transaction.."

"Can you try to swipe it one more time? Gavin attempts to whisper

"Sir, I saaure you..."

"Here use my card." I say in fustrsation as I give my card to the waiter. The waiter looks at my card then looks at me and smiles. He turns his head to Gavin and shakes his head.

"Prepare for tommrow dude." He taps his shoulder. Gavin looks confused as ever, but between the waiter and I, we know what exactly he's talking about. As we reach to my apartment door. he has his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry about everything, just give me your number and I'll call you when I get your money back.." I shake my head.

"It's okay, you know I have that happen to me a couple of times." There was a pregneant silence between us.


"Soooo Good night Gaviin"

"Good night Sophie." He leans in to give me what I believe was a kiss, but I turned my cheek instead. I open the door to my apartment to see that Lauren who's reading Fifty shades of Gray.

"You disguest me with the books you read." I say taking my shoes off and take my hair out the bun.

"Hey, Im reading for practice Soo." She puts the book down." How was it?" I give a long huff. She gives a sympathetic sigh.

"Tyr to go easy on him, Okay?"

"I'll try my best" I get me a glass of wine and put on my favorite band, Bush I log onto my account of Lovestruk Magazine I start on my article.

March 5, 2013

If you're ever set up for a blind date, dont because it saves you for the hell that comes with it.When yuo listen to the person speak for two hours sbout themselves, oh the excruciating pain it bings. Talking highly about yourself when you sceretly drive your dates in your mother's volks wagon for whatever the reason and brag about your "special mangement " at Walmart makes me sick to my stomach ffrom laughing to hard. Don't worry you just paid back the money I had to play due to insufficent funds in your account.

Again my readers blind dates, don't do it

Saincerly with words that hurt.


The next day I walk to my office with my assistant, Mona. Her blond hair in a bun. She stops in her steps as though she's seen a ghost.

"What is it Mona?

"Ms.Iversen you might want to see this." I walk in front of her to see Gavin. His face redder than ever, and when he turns to me he seems more angry.

"You're a cold hearted bitch you know that?" He looks at me angrily "I only went out with you because of Jake! You You."

"Whats the matter Gavin?Cat got your tounge?" Before he could say anything the secruity guars come and grab him

"I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" Later on, my mom calls my office.

"Hi mom!"

"Hey, sweetie, I saw about the blind date." i groaned at the thought. "You know sweetie not everyone's going to be perfect, all I want too be is happy."

"I know mom and I am ,really."

"Okay, but you and I know the truth." She hangs up

I sit there and question:Was I really happy?

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