Sculpting the feels

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"Remember smiles right." 


"Are you okay, you seem a bit off"

Joseph and I were in the back of his 2016 Cadillac Escalade with his driver in the front. He wasn't that conversational but he looked friendly. I, on the other hand, was thinking seriously about the past and how i could be so stupid and not remember Jacob, this was the biggest brain fart for me since that time I forgot that I i get periods and i didn't get it for 3 months. I later found out that i had an irregular period but not anymore.  

He was my everything and took everything , thus the reason of the bitchy ginger over here.

i guess Daniel tosh was wrong when he said gingers have no soul

they're souls are taking away by a rich ass...

"Iverson, I said are you okay." i snap back to reality. I see Joseph with a concern look on his face. Probably wondering if he made a deal with a crazy woman who has voices in her head. I shake my head.

"Im fine Smith, just thinking okay? I want everything to go well." i say half honest.  He looks at me and pats my hand. 

"Trust me, it will.You already made an impression on my dad." I groan at that comment. I hated his father's guts and he could be the next victim on 'Snapped' if I lose it. 

"Your dad did a background check on me within hours and he did not like me. In fact he brought up my suspension and that isn't a good thing. "

"But you also showed that you're not intimidated by him, in which he sees you as a challenge. Every girl that my brothers have brought, even myself always seem intimidated by our parents. To see you be on your feet to every response he had, makes him intrigued by you. Like a challenge."

"That could be a bad thing, like what if he finds out about us?" I look up front at the driver to make sure he wasn't listening . "About our relationship isn't really one." 

He followed my eyes and laughed. "One Vince had headphones on listening to "Bring me the horizon" some metal band his grandchild is into,not my tea. And two, we got this. I promise." I nodded in agreement and realized something prior in our conversation. Joseph said 'Brothers' instead of 'brother'. Does that mean that...

No, no,no, no.Lets just forget about that. I keep the question to myself and look out side the window. The houses began to get alot bigger and the sand was more visible as I watch evrything go by. 

"Wow everything is so..."
"No I was going to say so like revenge I used to watch that on a daily basis."

"Oh, I don't really watch tv like that." Joseph said. I kinda felt bad this time for making a joke that just came out just plain bitchy,I was really expecting a smart remark from him but just sadness. Almost as sad as those ASPCA commercials. And you gotta admit that pretty damn sad.

"It really is breathtaking" I say looking at the waves slowly climbing up shore. I've always loved the beach, especially when it was calm.

"Yeah, when I was 5 , I remember everything to the salty smell, to the color of the ocean when you go underwater, just plain beautiful"

"Do you have a house up here?"  I ask him turning his direction, however he was still looking at the window.

"Yeah I usually come to get away from the public, when I first bought it, I just came here for months. I had to move back to the city because of my father passing the CEO job to me. I would've stay here and finishing my sculpting. "

I almost laughed but I could see how genuine he was.

"Can I see?" Somehow my voice was quiet and I almost had this urge to touch his shoulder but I resisted it. He was hesitant for a couple minutes then he tapped the driver. The driver looked at him in the rearview mirror.

"Vince could you take me to the beach house."
"Only a few seconds Mr.Smith." Joseph gave a curt nod as he stayed silent. I few minutes after we arrived at a beach house that was isolated by sand and waves. I followed Joseph out of the car and to the porch. He reaches under a doormat to get a key.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment, but don't you think it's unsafe to put the key under the mat? That's like the most obvious choice." I see him turn around with a amusement in his eyes.

"That's true, maybe you be my housesitter. "
"In your dreams Smith."  We walked in to see sheets over all of the furniture. We walked into a burgundy room where the sun was peeking through the curtians. Joseph lifted up the sheets in the room revealing a stool and a loveseat. The rest of the sheets revealed various scupltings of people animals. My favorite one was a lion recovering from a roar. It was so unique, so real.

"Why'd you stop?"
"I promise my father that if my sculpting career didn't pick up before he retire, that I would take over the company.
"What about him taking it away?"
"His youngest was always  his favorite , and he loves kissing dad's ass.

"What about Darren? Why not he run the company?"

"He never wanted to be in bisnuess let alone technology. He was more into journalism, was going to be editor in chief but didn't want to run a magazine. I respect him for that I wish I was that way, didn't give a damn what my father said. But I am, I have to impress that bastard because looked over by him. When I told.him my sculpture for my college his immediately turned it down. "

"Well this is beautiful . You have talent. " I stood close to her and touched her shoulder. We looked at each other as he began to lean in. I was ready for this and Jacob wasn't in my mind. Suddendly a phone rang. Joseph silently cursed to himself and answer. Once he hang up and looked at me.

"Some people are waiting are for you." He said

"Okay, let's get this shit over with Smith." I looped my arm around him.
"With pleasure Iverson." We began to walk towards the car.


HEY I DID IT ANOTHER CHAPTER!  How'd you like it a little more softer but the awkwardness will come soon I promise so see ya later be good will ya

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