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Sophie's Pod

I quickly walk out the warehouse with a brisk pace. My taxi driver surprisingly has waited for me and sped off as I got in.

"How'd you know to wait for me?" I ask quizzically.

"You're Sophie Iverson, right?" I nod on approval. "Then your name explains it all." he says as he rides along to our magazine corporation. As I get closer to the headquarters, I get a queasy feeling inside like I disappointed Steve. As I walk into the headquaters, I bump into Jenny- the snobbish know all about love bitch- as I'm going uostairs. She is a brown haired woman with a loud mouth and no brain. She is getting married in July.( she basically told everyone at the offices.)

" Oh hey sophie! How was the interview?" I know what she's doing and I'm not falling for it. Wanting to steal my job and all.

"Oh, it was spectacular!" I say with a fake smile.

"Really give me some of the details. " her eyes pouring as if she seems intrested.

"Well, I want to show Mr.Chandler first." I respond smiling big as ever. I won't the freaking lying Olympics!

"Yeah let's hear about the big highlights about interviewing with Mr.Smith." I hear a familiar deep masculine voice says.

Holy shit.

I turn around and see Mr.Chandle looking at me quizzically as I rack for an excuse to bit give any highlights on this 'interview'

" Um..., see Mr. Chandler I would rather be comfortable in a privacy for the two of us. That's until the article is published of course. " I smiled and waited for his reaction

"If you don't mind Me.Lockhart, I would like to speak to Ms. Iverson for a moment."

Crap, holy scrap I'm in





I see Steve's face. Disappointment all around.

"This was a one shot Sophie. A ONE SHOT!!!!!!! YOU BLEW IT! !!!"

"Listen, Steve I can explain..." he interrupts my sentence.

"NO!!!!!!, you know just go home Sophie, I'll straighten this out. I go out and fix it," He says running his fingers into the imaginary hair of his. Any other time, I would've said something about this but now, wasn't the right time.

I take a taxi home and go in my apartment. I grab a pint of Ben and jerry's Dave double brownie ice cream and sit down to watch the proposal.

By the time Lauren came, I was deep into my third pint of Ben and Jerrys.

"What's the apocalypse?" She asks as she takes off her shoes.

"You're going to have to kick me out due to no job because I lost it."

"C'mon I bet it can't be that bad."

"Trust me I didn't get an interview with Mr. Smith because he wanted to be a douchebag." I finish off the next pint and look in the freezer for another one. Lauren puts in another movie and sits down. I bring in the pint with another spoon.

"Great Gatsby has arrived and Ryan Reynolds has to step back a little. " she says as she starts the movie. As we get to the first scene there is a knock on the door. Lauren gets up and opens it and stay out there for a couple of minutes.When she came back, she replies

"There's an unexpected guest for you."

Josephs Pov

I decided to take my BMW to the apartment that will determine my fate my job and my career. I pull up to the place as I began to get nervous. Me? Nervous? I haven't felt that way since I lost my virginity to Monica the senior when i was a junior.

I look at the apartment number on the price of paper and walk into the elevator. A woman with three cats comes on. I don't know but old ladies with cats remind me on the Spongebob Squarepant movie with the lady with the ice cream, needless to say it scares the shot out of me.

One I reach the fourth level I quickly get off and began looking for the apartment 435. I reach the four thirtys and I began to put on the cool Joe, she isn't going to know what hit her.


This is it.

Joe no going back.

She is just a bitch you can handle her.

I knock on the door and wait a couple minutes. A black haired woman comes up - wearing her white blouse and a pencil skirt with no shoes.

" hey um, is Sophie here?" I ask as she stands in awe.

"Ok hold on." She said breathlessly. The door closes and I hold my breath. When the door opwns, I see her- ginger hair in a messy bun, her in a black tank top and some baggy grey sweats. She herself, looms surprised but it takes her a second to regain her composure.

"I really need you to do that interview" I began. She gives.a short laugh and beg ok 's closes the door.

"Wait, you need this too. " She begans to reopen the door, her eyes widen.

"Yes" I continue," You need.it too, or you'll get the main blogger gig taken away from you."

"What do you suggest." She closes the door.behind her.

"We need to fake it." I point to her then me.

"Pictures everywhere, I'm not a manwhore and you're not a lonley desperate female dog. Win Win for both of us." I see her poker face she begans to open her mouth.

"Only for three months." I stop her. "Enough for you to get a good article and me to rebuild my rep. Please it's a one in a lifetime decision. We''ll save each other."


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