Similar Intentions

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I decided that we wouldn't talk at Sherry's because I spent most of my money anyway, but I didn't want to tell her that. At this moment in time, nothing mattered more to me than Yume's feelings. If I told her she wasted my money, which is partly correct and partly incorrect, she had the type of personality that would make her extremely guilty, and I didn't want to ruin the mood.
On the other hand, she looked as to say "Are you not cold enough?", which was a valid point, it was rather cold tonight. But I didn't care about the weather, actually, anxiety just wanted to nail me to the spot. And it succeeded for about 5 minutes. Me and Yume were just talking about the day, feeling embarrassed. Her face was as red as I had ever seen it, and so was mine. I couldn't actually see my face, but when looking down, I could always see a glimpse of burning red on my cheeks, I think that was the main reason I wasn't dying of hyperthermia.

Yume, who was fidgeting around in all sorts of ways, looked ready to burst. At around 15 second intervals, she stopped and breathed heavily. Is this actually a confession? I kept on asking myself, but the truth is: I have no idea.
I wish it is, but it probably isn't. Does she feel the same way to me as I do to her? I've seen her talk more intently to Ranta than me. It's confusing. It really is. I don't know what to do. Should I confess now? Should I wait for her to tell me her thing? I could try to be a bit forceful. That's an idea! I'll do that!
"So, uh, what did you want to talk about?" I questioned,
"W-what?! Uh-I just... Um." She was stuttering so much I could barely make out what she was saying.
"Please tell me! I want to tell you something as well!!" I half-shouted, half-whispered. I don't know how I did it, but it seems she's ready... Again. But so am I, I'm going to tell her.

After about 3 minutes of preparing (even though I thought we were ready) we looked at each other, straight in the eyes, and on a count of-
"Three..." Yume started, that caught me off since I was still narrating.
"Two..." Am I really going to say it? Should I think of something else to say while there's a second left? The questions flooded my mind as the world swirled around me. I felt... Faint, at most.
"One..." Here goes nothing, it's either be accepted or rejected, 50/50. Actually it's not 50/50 because the human emotions also alter the chances. She may be the type that says yes just because she doesn't want to be mean, I don't want that, I want real lo- Times Up.

"I really like you!" We both shouted in unison. The surprise was enough to throw me back onto the floor. She, she... She likes me back!

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