Chapter 2

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I worked through the math questions quickly. The teacher was babbling on about linear equations,or something like that. As soon as my math class finished, I grabbed my bag, making an exit out of the room.

I started walking down the corridor, when all of a sudden, my bag dropped. I must of tripped on something, I thought and began picking up my books.

"Hey, I havent seen you round here before.You must be new."

"Here, let me help you."

I looked up from the floor and saw a girl, about my age. She was short,had green eyes and long chestnut hair. She looked really pretty.

"Um yeah, I'm new.'' I said lookng up to her and smiling. "My name is Anna by the way."

"Whats yours?'', she asked. "'Alexis". I replied shyly.

"Can I ask you something?'


"Well I'm supposed to be going to my English lesson next, but I dont know where it is. Could you show me around?".I asked

"Of course, I'll show you right away''.Said Anna

"But before I do, let me see your schedule''

"Here" I replied

"Heyy, we have the same schedule."

"Yeah,I guess we do", I said and smiled

We were walking through the English department, while Anna babbled about the school facilities and social life.Then she started asking me about someone.

"So, have you met Gwen yet?"

"She does'nt seem quite friendly, Why?"

"Stay away from her.'' She warned. "We used to be best friends since kindergarten,we used to do everything together.No one could tear us apart.But then as the years went by, for some reason she started to get more distant.She stopped talking to me, ignored my texts,and treated me like I was trash. I tried to ask her what was wrong but she would'nt tell me. She was my best friend and the next minute,she was just gone like that.''-She said while snapping her fingers.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, Gwen formed a group of her own and now she's like some stuck-up whore."Anna said. "Yeah, you could say that."

We were nearly near our English class when we passed a group of guys who were messing around.They all started to stare at me and whispered to each other. I started to get nervous.

"Anna, why are those guys staring at me?" I asked.

"Are you blind or something?,they think youre hot."

For a minute,I thought that she was joking,but the seriousness of her face told me otherwise.

"Wait, what? That is so not true!"I protested.

What is Anna talking about? I asked myself.But before I could say anything else to her ,the bell rang.

"Come on, let's go to English now", Anna said,dragging me by the hand.


Okay, I know that chapter was super short but I'll make up for it. Promise!

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