Chapter 1

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Helena POV

"Hi, do you work here ma'am ?" The woman looks at me like am some kind of maniac from behind the door, she is good looking tho, blue eyes, blonde long hair looks like she's on her early thirties.

"Yes, how can I help you?" She replies.

—"My name is Helena ma'am, Helena Cote, but you can call me Lena if you want... I'm looking for a job."

"I was just passing by Rockwall when my car got broke, and while I was waiting for someone to help me, I got robbed by some kids , I have no cash on me, so the cops that helped me said that the owner of this house is looking for a housekeeper, and I really... really need money and a place to stay for a while."

"I can do anything from cleaning, cooking, and I'm good with kids." I said praying that she would say YES despite my looks.

—She looked at me head to toes, "I'm not the owner of the house, but maybe you can help me, I need someone to take care of the house while I'm gone. You can wait here I will speak to Darren now."

When she mention his name I could see her eyes shining, I guess he's the owner of the house, weird calling your bosss by his own name, hmmm, maybe they are really close or something. I hope he really hires me, otherwise I will starve to death, how can I be so stupid and let myself get robbed by some kids.

"Helena right? Mr.Caldwell will be seeing you now, you can come in and please follow me". She says looking at me like I smelled like puke.

"Wow this house is beautiful, how many people live here ma'am?"

"Just me and Darren." The woman says.

"Sorry, where are my manners, what's your name ma'am? "

"It's Juliet."

I didn't even cared about her name being Juliet the most stupid character in literature to me, the instant I saw the big TV, her presence was completely erased in my mind, everything in this house just looked fancy, classy but fancy.

"Wow look at this TV, I can't believe this is just for two people, no kids around, it's such a shame, and waste of money."

"Here this is Mr.Caldwell office, please knock before you get in."Just like that she leaves me there alone, nervous as hell, to meet the Mr.Caldwell.

I fixed myself first then knocked three times.

"You may come come in". I heard a deep, rough manly voice, I don't even know the guy but his voice already sent shivers down my spine. My hands started to sweat when I got in he was facing the window when he turned, my legs just started to trembling and I fall.

"Are you okay miss? Do you need me to get you to the hospital?"

—I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head, he noticed that I was fine. When he got closer and picked me up, the air filled with a sweet, musky scent as he came closer and hold my hand. A delightful combination of woodsy aftershave with a hint of clean perspiration. It was intoxicating and I found myself inhaling deeply every chance I could.

His eyes were a fusion of green and gold jeez he's G O R G E O U S. His lips are slightly full the kind that end in a cute little smirk at the corners. The rays of sun highlight the dimples in his cheeks and chin. He looks a bit older than me maybe on his early thirties as well.

"No, I need you" , the words just split out of my mouth without I even notice. I see a smirk on his face, he puts me on the couch and seats on his desk.

"How did you end up here Ms.Cote, are you running away from home or anything?"

"No, defiantly not." I was just passing by when I got robbed, I have nowhere else to go, no money and I'm looking for a job, the sheriff told me to come here, he said that maybe the owner in that case you Sir. might hire me.

"Okay, and how old are you exactly? I don't really want to get in any trouble with the police because of you. If you ran away from your home, you better tell me now."

"Sir I'm actually 19 I will be turned 20 in a few days, I'm old enough, and I don't have a home to run away from or a family that cares, I really need a job only until I can get enough money to leave Rockwall."

"Okay, Juliet will be leaving town for a few days and I will need someone to take care of the things here. Juliet will tell you what you will be doing exactly, and will show where you will be staying." He says.

"Thank you so much Mr.Caldwell".

"You may go now, Ms.Cote, Juliet will show you around, can you stand on your own?"

"Yes I can , Thank you again".

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