Chapter 8

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Helena POV

—I smiled as I watched Darren trying to assemble the baby crib, his dark long hair flopping onto his face as he re-read the manual for the fifth time, tools and parts scattered around him.

He looked so adorably confused, eyebrows furrowed as he sat cross-legged in the middle of the nursery, trying to decipher the manual before him.

"Do you need help, baby?" I giggle, watching as a small frown started to form on his lips.

He shakes his head, a few loose curls escaping from his bandana and covering his eyes.

"Trust me, babe. I got this."

"You said that four tries ago, Darren."

"Fifth time's the charm. Have a little faith."

I give him a doubtful look, and he merely sticks his tongue out at me.

He rolls up the sleeves of his baseball shirt a little more, exposing the tanned muscle underneath. He absentmindedly picks up the screwdriver next to him, muttering underneath his breath as he makes his way back to the mess of crib parts that he had half-assembled in the past hour.

—I can't help but to stare at my fiancé, who was now hammering away at a wooden leg with his tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration - he was beautiful and sweet and he brought a smile to my face every day without a fail.

I could only hope that my baby could have a smile as beautiful as Darren's.

I absentmindedly rubbed my swollen stomach, a habit I had picked up ever since I found out about my pregnancy.

"Thank you."

The sincerity of his words had reverberated in my bones, and all I could do was kiss him lightly on the lips, standing at the tips of my toes just to reach him.

No, thank you. For giving me the best opportunity I could ever ask for. For your love. For your miracle.

Right now after all we have been through, I feel like nothing can tears apart.

—Me and Darren are more than ready to be parents - I'm happily engaged and prepared for the next step in my life together, making plans and talking about dreams and hopes and wishes over dinner and before bed and in the early mornings is what we constantly do.

But having it be confirmed, knowing that my dreams would be coming true in a matter of months - it made the two of us ecstatic.

—I delighted in planning schedules and researching about this and that and choosing the best path for the life in my belly. I loved shopping for clothes and equipment for the new addition in your family - Me and Darren would run down the aisle like little kids, pulling this and that off the shelves and racks and playing with toys and wondering if our baby would love it as much as the two of you do.

I set aside all the toys and clothes and equipment in our house, everything sitting patiently, waiting for the arrival of the baby.

Seriously I loved finding out the size of the baby inside of me, and Darren eagerly marked my growing stomach's progress on the wall of our living room.

Just two more months to go, babe. We're almost there - we're so close.

—He made sure I didn't have to do any work - not if he could help it. Darren fussed over me like a mother hen, giving me breakfast in bed and holding my arm whenever we walked and tying my shoelaces and holding my bags and massaging my sore feet. He'd cook dinner and do the cleaning, and even did the laundry - which he hated - while I sat and read a book or watched some television.

He made sure I was pampered and comfortable and happy, he always says I'm his queen and he promises to take care of me from now on until forever.

—I worried for him, though - he'd collapse onto the bed at the end of every long day, worn and tired, and I'd have to remind him to take breaks during the day, telling him to rest his head on my shoulder and to just hold me and our baby for a moment before bustling away for the quick arrival.

Got to make everything perfect for my queen and princess.

He'd wink at me, dimples flashing, before getting back to work.

—Darren was so elated when the doctor told us that it was a girl - I saw the tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes when the news was announced, I decided to name her Gaby too, in honor of his daughter that died, the tender words that he'd whisper to my growing stomach every night made my heart melt.

"Daddy loves you, princess."

He kisses my stomach gently, rubbing it lightly before placing a delicate kiss on my forehead, and whispering goodnight.

One more month, beautiful - one more month 'till we can start this little family of ours.

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