New School

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I woke up today and remembered I had school....... Great.
I got up took a shower then got ready.
After that I headed downstairs grabbed some toast, backpack and Penny board to skate to school. Didn't bother saying goodbye to my parents cuz there still asleep. As I'm leaving my drive way a car pulled out of the neighbors driveway and the cute guy from yesterday was driving. He was using his phone while he was driving to record the road I guess but when he saw me he put his phone away and started turning a little red. I just laughed a little and kept going towards hell.
* At School *
I went to the office to get my schedule and anything else I needed. The bell rang so I walked to my first class, the teacher told me to sit anywhere so I sat in the back right corner. About a minute after class had started the boy from next door walked in.
"Mr. Selman do you have a slip, " said the teacher who I didn't care enough about to remeber her name.
"yes here you go Ms.Pollen it won't happen again, " He handed her a slip and walked to the back of the room and sat next to me.
He looked at me and I feel like he recognized me from this morning but then he looked back at the board without saying anything. From a distance he was attractive, up close he's even more attractive.
I can tell today's gonna be interesting.
*skip to lunch *
Half the day has gone by and I've made no
I wasnt hungry so I just went outside and sat under a tree on my phone. After about 5 minutes I got thirsty and went to get something to drink.
On my way back to my tree I heard music being played slowley as if in slow-mow. It reminded me of this app I use occasionally called . I walked towards the noise and saw the cute guy making a .
I grabbed my phone and typed Selman on instagram. I saw a bunch of fanpages for mario selman which I'm assuming is him so I found his instagram and then his He just posted the one I saw his make and it was good.
I looked at his fans and he had a lot. He's obvioulsy famous and pretty good at what he does.
I grabbed my phone and texted The girls the link to his musically and told them about him.
This is gonna be interesting.
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Omg she was spying on Mario 😱

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