Fuck You

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*Shawn's P.O.V*
Jake and I went to Mels place to wait for the girls but we passed out at like 5.
I woke up on the couch with Jake hanging off of the other one.
I got up and went to Mels room to see if the girls where awake. 
I walked upstairs and heard crying from the bathroom.  I headed over there and knocked on the door.
It slowly opened and I saw Jill crying on the floor.
I walked in and closed the door.
"Jill what happened why are you crying? " I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her.
"Yesterday, while we were at the mall,  Alyssa overheard Hunter talking to Mark ," she took a long pause before continuing.
"And basically Hunter had a plan to talk to me and then just  use me to get with Mel,   the worst part is I was starting to like him and then I find out I'm getting used,"
She started to cry some more and I was beyond pissed. 
This kid isn't gonna be alive much longer. The door bell rang and I told Jill I was gonna go answer it and she headed back to Mels room.  I got downstairs and saw Jake was starting to wake up.
"I've got something to tell you later but let me see who's at the door,"
I opened the door and saw the last person who I wanted to see.
"Hey Shawn is-"
"Yes Jill is home but I'm not letting you see her you fucking dick , "
Jake came and stood beside me.
"do you know too? " Hunter  asked Jake.
"know what, " Jake asked.
"This asshole was using Jill to get to Mel, " I answered before Hunter could and next thing I know Hunter was up on the wall with Jake holding him there.
"I want to know why you where using Jill and I want to know now! "
Jake was beyond pissed,  he was more protective over the girls then I was and he was more violent. 
"I didn't want Mario to think I liked Mel okay but listen what Alyssa heard-"
"I know what Alyssa  heard and it was you talking about the plan with Mark,"
"yeah I was but I was saying how it-" Hunter didn't get to finish that sentence because  Jake punched him before he got to finish. 
I heard some  screams behind us and when I turned around I saw all the girls looking scared except for Mel,  she looked satisfied but also kinda sorry.
Jake punched Hunter again before the girls ran to Hunters side and pulled Jake off.  Jill grabbed one of his arms,  Cam grabbed the other , alyssa was wearing In Spanish and Mel was on his back saying who knows what to him. 
After about 5 minutes Jake got up and Hunter did too.  Everyone went inside and Mel made us all sit on the couch in the living room.
"Okay now I want to know why your here, " She pointed at Hunter.
"Why you had him against the wall then decided to hit him, " She looked at Jace.
"and why you just watched it all happen and didn't do shit, "
She looked at me and then looked at Hunter. She didn't have to say anything and he knew what she meant.
"I came to apologize and explain to Jill about yesterday becuase she doesn't know the whole story, "  He looked at Jill but Jill was  looking at the ground. 
"okay now you, " She looked at Jake.
"Shawn told me what the asshole did to Jill and you know I get protective over you guys,  he deserved it and you know it, " Mel just looked at him and stared before looking at me.
"Why'd you let him do all this? "
I sighed.
"I didn't stop Jake becuade the little dick deserved it,  id stop it if it got to far, "
She glared at the three of us before sitting down. 
It was silent for a couple minutes before Hunter spoke up.
"Can I explain stuff now? "
"ye-" Mel was gonna say yes but Jake beat her. 
"no but you can leave, " He just glared at him. 
"yeah Hunter I don't wanna be rude but maybe you should come back another day, " Alyssa tried being nice becuase she knew the others might not be so nice to him.
"Okay............bye Jill,  Cam , Mel,  Jake, Shawn,   "
He walked towards the door then left. 
The girls went to Mels room and Jake and I left to put apartment. 
{wc: 756}

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