Oh Fuck

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*Melody's P.O.V*
After alyssa said that I was beyond pissed. 
I walked up to Hunter and dragged him away not caring what anyone said or thought. 
I took him pretty far and hid so no one found us.  He looked very confused and I just glared at him.
After a minute or so of silence I finally said something.  "What the fuck where you thinking using Jill like that?! "
He was looking at the ground but when I said that he looked up right away.
"what!  How do you know about that? "
"Alyssa overheard you and Mark talking about it earlier, "
"did she hear everything? "
"no she walked away and wouldn't tell us anything untill  we made her, "
"wait who's we?  Does Jill know? "
"We is Jill and I and yes she knows,  and she's very hurt ,"
He looked down and looked sorry.
Fucking dick.
"Mel listen i-"
"I don't want to hear your excuses Hunter, your plan is honestly so low.  Using one of my best friends to get to me!  Who the hell does that,  wait I know you do, "
"Mel please just listen to me, "
"I don't want to hear it Hunter, " I started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
"Just listen to me please, " He looked at me straight in the eyes and I sighed.   He let go of my arm and then started speaking. 
"When I saw you in that limo my first thought was "damn she's beutiful " and then I talked to you a bit  you where just really amazing, " I cut him off.
" Hunter if your just gonna say why you want to date me then I'm leaving, " I started walking away again but he proceeded to grab my wrist again and pull me back.
"just let me finish, "
"okay I thought of the plan then started talking and hanging out with Jill and I realized how beautiful she was and how  cute her laugh and smile where. I realized what I was doing was so messed up and I also realized I didn't want to date you, no offense, but I wanted to date Jill, what Alyssa heard was me telling Mark the plan was off and over.  I honestly doubt Jill will believe me though or want to go out with me for that matter, "
"Well your right about that and I'm not gonna let you date her till you prove all this is true but right now don't even think about getting near her becuase Alyssa will glare at you till you leave and if that doesn't work I won't hesitate to hurt you , got it? "
He just nodded and looked pretty terrified which he should be.
I pulled out my phone and had two texts from eveyone besides Hunter.
From Mario❤️❤️: Mel were did you and hunter go?
From Mario ❤️❤️: Is everything alright babe?
From Mark🤓: What happened?
From Mark 🤓: why's Alyssa mad at me?  I don't understand.
From Geo🤘💎💎Mel is evegthibg alright?
From Geo🤘💎💎: Everyones looking for you guys 
From Jillybean🌺: Mel please don't hurt him
From Jillybean 🌺: come back please
From Alyssa🐢 : Mel don't do anything stupid
From Alyssa🐢 : I'm making eveyone wait in the food court hurry up
From Camel🐪 : What happened to Jill? 
From Camel🐪 : we're did you and hunter  go?
I didn't answer anyone and just  headed to the food court with Hunter behind me. 
Once we got there the girls where at one table comforting Jill and the guys where at another questioning  Mark. 
I looked behind me at Hunter  and gave him  a "see what you did " look.  He just  put his head down and we walked off to different tables.
"Jill he doesn't deserve your tears, " Cam said trying to cheer up Jill.
I walked behind her and hugged her.
"I'm so sorry Jilly. He is honestly so stupid for doing that, " I told her and sat down.
I looked over at the other table and Mario looked at me then gestured towards the corner so I told the girls I'd be back and headed over there. Mario soon did the same with the guys.
"what where you and hunter doing and talking about? "
"We talked about him being a dick and we did nothing, "
He just nodded .
"we need to fix this, everyone seems to be getting hurt. Jill and Hunter are in a bad place obviously, Alyssa isn't talking to Mark, Geo and Cammy are fine for now and so are we but I'm scared things will happen, " He grabbed my hand and I just looked at his eyes which are honestly amazing.
"Nothing will happen Mario, well be alright, but lets get back and go home it's getting late, "
We went back to the tables and told everyone that we should head home. We got two ubers and the girls and I went home in one and the guys went to the hotel in the other. Except Mario he came with us since he's my neighbor .
The uber ride was pretty quite and when we got home I was praying the guys weren't there,  they like to come over at random times,  because of they saw Jill right now and found out Hunter caused it they wouldn't hesitate to go to the hotel and beat him up.  I unlocked the door and saw them passed out in the living room.  At least there asleep...
We went upstairs and I let Jill sleep with my bear in the center of the bed while the girls and I where around her.
We all said goodnight then we turned on the lights I have hung up and went to bed. Hopefully tomarrow  won't  be as dramatic as today was.
{WC: 956}

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