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Mrs. Wasington was terrifed. Katherine was yelling at her. " YOU TERRBILE EXCUSE FOR  A MOTHER!" Kat was yelling. Mr. Washington was staring sternly at his wife. He knew that they shouldn't have hid this from Kat. She would be angry if she found out, he said to his wife one night. But Mrs. Washington didn't listen. And the rest you could pretty much figure out. 

An owl swooped in the middle of the argument, carrying a letter. Katherine ripped out the letter and took it to her room. It said: 

Dear Karen, 

I would have thought you'd have told Kat about the letters. But to hide them from her! She does have a right to be mad. I will be over there later today to take my child back to her mother. Katherine needs to come with me! Her Hogwarts education is long overdue. By now she could be a squib! 

                                                                                                                                                        Best of Wishes,

                                                                                                                                Hermione Granger Weasley  

Kat hugged the letter with all her life. This letter was the best hope ever for her. She found a light in the darkness. She was happier than ever. She decided to pack up to live with her real parents (whoever they were). She had frowned at a couple of words like squib and  Hogwarts. Oh well, she thought, it'll be nice to finally be with my real family. 

Meanwhile, Hermione Weasley was getting ready to pick up her child. She and Ron had decided to stay in America to pick up Hermione's daughter. Ron was still angry with Hermione. The Weasley family knew they had been together and had tooken it well but Ron always overreacted to these kind of things. He was fuming in the corner of the hotel room. "C'mon hon. Let's apparate," Hermione said. He relucantly took her arm and they felt a swirling sensation before being let back to the earth. They stood in front of a small ranch. "Let's go inside," Hermione said coaxingly to Ron. 

The door opened. In the living room sat a family of three. A girl in her early teens sat near the fireplace, bags around her feet. She had brown hair and brown eyes. "Katherine?" Hermione said, pushing Mr. Washington out of the way. They girl stared at her. She had inherited her mum's brown eyes and hair, but the Wealsey freckles were definatley there. The girl nodded. Hermione wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Let's go home," said Hermione. Ron grabbed Kat's bags and he apparated. Katherine said her goodbyes to the Washington's, wishing them a lifetime of love. and headed outside with her real mum. "How're we-" Kat's sentence was stopped and she pulled forward and felt the signs of apparation. 

"Welcome to your new home," said Hermione. They were definately in England, the breeze was a nice one for the summer. They were standing outside a gorgeous cottage. This must be Ron and Hermione's house, thought Katherine. They went inside. 

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