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In Herbology class, Kat saw Jane. She remembered the letter from her mother. She decided to hang with Roxy until Mr. Longbottom paired them up. Jane and Kat were together.

Oh no!, thought Kat, because Roxanne would send a letter to Kat' s mom if she found out Jane and her were partners.

"Hey! Hey, why are you avoiding me?" said Jane.

"I don't wanna talk about it, okay?" said Kat, clearly annoyed. Jane winced. She didn't like when Kat yelled at her.

"Well what are we supposed to do?" said Jane.

"I dunno. Cut this plant! Weren't you listening?" said Kat.

"Kat, just because you are mad does not mean you can take it out on me," said Jane.

"Well I'm not supposed to pull anymore pranks okay? I guess that's not a normal thing for a Ravenclaw," Kat snapped, running away from the classroom.

"Kat-wait-" said Jane but Kat was already gone. Kat ran into the girl's lavatory, crying.

A girl came out of the stall. She recognized her as Clarisse Finnigan, daughter of Seamus and Padma Finnigan. Parvati ended up marrying Dean Thomas.

"Kat, what's the matter," asked Clarisse.

"My whole life. When I found out I was going to come here, it seemed like a dream come true. Not it feels like a living hell," said Katherine.

"Well, you're more than welcome to hang out with me and Todd Dursley," said Clarisse. That's exactly what Kat did.

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