Chapter Twenty-Six: 15 and Pregnant

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Ethan looks at Leah. Leah looks at Ethan. They both are in complete shock, not knowing what to do. They couldn't take care of a child!! They were 15 and 16... they can't even legally live on their own...

They thank the Doctor and walk to the car, once they reach the car Leah looks at Ethan and say's

"We need to talk."

L:"Yes, we do.."

E:" How did this happen ??"

L:"That one night... remember? when we actually went through with it..."

E:"Oh yeah!..."

*Long silent pause*

E:"Baby, I'm SOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

L:"Really?!?!?!?!??!?!??! I thought u were ganna be mad!! Babe, im so happy your happy! How am I going to tell Caileigh, or Reghan???

E:" Im not sure but lets go on a date, and adventure tonight!! No actually, right now! Lets go!"

*Ethan starts car and starts driving the opposite way of home*

L:"Now?!?! Were are we going to go?!"

E:" I'm not sure! But im so excited! Let's go baby shopping!!! Then we can go to Starbucks, then on a small midnight hike..... Oh then we can go just dri..."

*Leah cuts Ethan off*

L:" Ethan! that all sounds AMAZING but im extremly tired especially when i just found out that there is a living life in my stomach! i think we should go home and tell Gray, Caileigh, and Reghan tomorrow. 


Caileigh and Reghan wake up and wake Leah up, Leah wakes up and rushes to the bathroom to throw-up. 

When she comes out Reg and Caileigh are looking at her funny and ask what the Doctor said. Leah quickly changes the subject and asks if they want to have a girls day so they all agree.

Leah and Ethan's text towards each other that morning:

E: Good morning babe!"

L: Morning! I just invited the girls on a girls day... at 1:00 u and gray come meet us at Starbucks "Unexpectedly" and we will tell them the news...

E: Sounds good! Gray said He's up for a boy's day with Nate... See you at 1:00 sweetheart!

L: See ya! I'm exited!!

Leah's POV 

1:00- at Starbucks, we see Ethan, Gray, and Nate walk in... and now it's time...

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