Alois...I Love You...

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Alois's Pov:
H-He called me beautiful, and kissed my head. Is it possible he loves me? N-No, it's not possible! Plus he has a fiance that he's supposed to marry! Why is he messing with my feelings like this! He's hate me, he always have and always will. Tears started slipping out my eyes and I pushed him away.
His eyes widen as he fell on the ground I jumped on him, fully crying and yelled in his face. "DON'T FUCK WITH ME CIEL! I AM NOT THE ONE!" I cried harder.
Ciel's Pov:
I was completely shocked. I have never seen Alois cry before. But even when he's crying he's beautiful. I know he's doubting my love for him, so I guess I'll prove it to him. Fuck Elizabeth. I brought his face down and kissed him gently, he gasped in the kiss as his eyes widen. He then started to kiss back and I pulled away.
"Alois, I really do love you. Please don't doubt my love" Then I hugged him into my chest.

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