Shadow a.k.a. "Omega", The Assassin of Chaos

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Disclaimer : I do not own PJO.

A/N : This is one of those " Percy gets betrayed, met Chaos blah blah" stories but with a little twist. Percabeth!!! It irks me how most stories like this makes Annabeth a cheater or a dumb blonde.

I think I'm going to call Percy as Omega when he's on assassin missions or wars and only use Shadow when he's at home or anything.


Chapter I : Meet the Assassin

A piercing yell echoed through the quiet streets of Asthenis, a city found in the usual peaceful planet of Ichyeothen. A man in mid-thirties panted as he ran away from someone, acting like a hunted animal. Who is this guy, you ask?

Well, let's rewind before all of this has happened.

~~~~ FLASHBACK ~~~~

Stchye Reid laughed evilly at the frightened expression of the little girl in front of him. He had decided to walk home, hoping to have some... fun .

Now he saw this beautiful girl playing alone in a corner, her skirt lifting up as she jumped around the street, acting like the cute bunny she saw earlier. He stalked towards her with his creepy face, instantly scaring the innocent girl.

He sharply turned her face towards him, his intention clear to anyone, even to his victim. But before he could do just that, a figure appeared behind him.

" Tsk, tsk, small girls? Do you have no self-respect?" said the figure in black. He slowly turned around to look for the source of the voice.

A man wearing complete black with sea green outline was walking up to him. On the front of his shirt, Ω, the sign of Omega, was clearly engraved, also in sea green. A magi enhanced hood was covering his face, making it impossible to decipher his expression but he has a seaking suspicion that the man was really angry. On his back were two crossed swords, one light and one dark.

The sign of an assassin.

The girl, his victim, ran away immediately when the man nodded at her, telling her that he will handle it. The movement broke his trance, leaving him dazed, confused and scared, " Wh-Who are you?"

Omega, he nicknamed him, faced him with a serious expression, " Your worst nightmare."

Then, to his extreme bewilderment, the guy laughed heartily as if he was not planning to kill him before," Get that? Worst nightmare!!! I've heard that on some movie somewhere," he mused while rubbing his chin.

Stchye's eyes widened with his mouth gaping at the assassin. He must have looked funny because the guy laughed even more.

" Aren't you planning to kill me?" He asked hopefully. Maybe he changed his mind. Or maybe...

His hopes crushed when Omega answered, " Of course I am. Just because I'm an assassin doesn't mean I can't be funny! But since I'm in a good mood today, I'll give you a chance to run."

After he said that, he instantly run off to his only hope. His only chance of living.


Omega's P.O.V.

After standing alone in the dark and counting to myself, I finally moved into action.

I gave him 30 seconds to run, but at my speed which Chaos says beats the speed of light. About a second and a half, I'm already behind him, enjoying his fear, preventing me from killing him immediately.

" You have to do better than that, " I said, shocking him enough to make him scream but he didn't seem to much into that which impressed me. Most of my victims fall because of letting surprising things overpower them.

I had to give him credit but he finally made his mistake, like all of the others before him, did. He turned into a dark alleyway, devoid of all people. "Shame," I muttered.

Reaching a dead end, he turned around to face me, scared out of his mind, " Spare me!"

I twirled my twin blades absentmindedly in my hands as if thinking of his offer," No thanks, I caught you. I win."

He cowered in a corner, trying to shield himself away from me. His voice turned pleading, praying to be spared," I have a family. My wife. My children. Please!"

My eyes hardened as I turned into a real assassin," Funny. You have a family yet you rape little girls and kill them afterwards. You have a family yet you don't care about their own family?" I asked, my voice rising with each word.

" Who are you?" Stchye  asked again, trying to stall for some time which I noticed but I decided to play along.

I raised my swords, " I am Shadow , the creature of the Night. The controller of everything in connection to darkness. I am also known as Omega. The last thing you will ever see in your existence." And with that, I punge my blade into his head, silencing him.

Blood splatters on the ground as his soul rise from his body, waiting for my permission to go to its final resting place. I held up my hand as the soul approached me.

" Στο όνομα του Χάους,

Σας στείλετε στο χώρο ανάπαυσης σας

Πού θα βρείτε την ειρήνη

Αγάπη, και το μόνο που υπάρχει

Σε έσωσα και θα είστε στο χρέος

Γιατί όταν έχει έρθει η ώρα

Θα είναι στην υπηρεσία μου.

Πήγαινε και μπορείτε να βρείτε την ειρήνη. "

It vanished with one, last silver glow, leaving me standing alone.


The translation are:

In the name of Chaos,

I send you to your resting place

Where you will find peace

Love, and all that there is

I saved you and you will be in debt

For when the time has come

You will be in my service.

Go and you may find peace.

Sorry, I can't think of something more creative. I actually got this idea from my friend who kept babbling about ideas for my story. So... I hope you find it okay!

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