Shadow a.k.a. "Omega", The Assassin of Chaos

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Disclaimer : You know the drill. And also, I do not own any of the animes, books, movies or characters that is mentioned here.

A/N : This actually took place a few millenias in the future.


Chapter II : Trip to the Void

Percy's P.O.V.

After I put my blessing on my target, I willed the shadows to gather around me and they slowly swirled as a pure black portal opened like a door in front of me.

I closed my eyes as I heard a distinct sound reached my ears, the wind rushing on my back, but it still made me peaceful for a change. Darkness. Just darkness. Not a single ounce of worry. Not a single care in the world.... It's a lot better than watching life progress.

I started walking forward through the seemingly endless darkness with no directions in general, just my instincts, when I saw what I was looking for --- my ship, Amoibē, also known as change. Chaos gave Amoibē to me on my 156th mission. I called it that because it suits the needs or rather, interests, of the person using the ship. Right now, it's pure black, blacker than Obsidian metal, with sea green stars. You know, my signature colors.

I started sprinting towards my ship, chuckling while eating some of my blue chocolate chip cookies. I never had time to eat them since I'm always called for missions. 

As I neared the door, I urged myself to go right through it without even bothering to open it, much like the Hades spawns do when they shadow travel away. The first thing I heard when I entered the ship was, "Good morning, Assasin Shadow. I suppose the mission has gone alright... as always." Amoibē greeted me in his usual sarcastic voice. Yes, you read it right! My ship talks! Well, that is to be expected since millenias have passed and the technologies should have improved by now.

I rolled my eyes. Ship or not, he can be so unbearably sarcastic sometimes. Chaos always tells me that Amoibē got it from a certain Sarcasm King. Until know, I haven't found who that bloody person is." Just set the coordinates to the Void... as always." I adopted his usual words.

"Right away, sir. That will be 18 hours.... as always." I could practically see him beaming. I just shook my head and decided to take a short nap.


It's been three months since I last left Camp and I barely ran into anybody with any relation to camp though I had a few close run-ins with the Hunters of Artemis, but in the end, I always got away before they could be alerted of my presence, which I considered as a great accomplishment since getting away from the Hunters, unscathed, is unheard of.

I've ran into a dozen newbie demigods and since then, I decided to help them get to Camp and if they're interested, to the Hunters. It became a tradition for me to escort them to the camp borders and watch from afar as they entered the place I still call home, even after all that had happened. I always make sure they arrive safely and just laugh amusedly to myself whenever they narrate to them about their mysterious 'Sea-green eyed Savior'. After I eavesdropped the Hunters' conversations whenever I encounter them, every campers and hunters that I saved told everyone about me and after gathering all their statements, realized that they had been saved by the same hero. It was even more amusing when the Olympians themselves, called me that.

I hoped that even after forgetting me, they would still honor their promise on the River Styx. Everyone should deserve to know their parents. Besides, it would be rather troublesome if Kronos, or someone even worse, will rise just because of their forgetfulness.

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