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Tagged by FanofFiction123

1. MOKOU 4 BEST CHURECTER- sorry what?

2. I hope Midnight Quest becomes a fandom.

3. My friend is sending me pictures of flowey and flower puns right now.

4. Tea is my favorite drink.

5. Er...

5. I have no idea where I'm going with this.

7. You probably realized by now that there are two fives.

8. My hair was once blond.... And then my hair got darker and darker.

9. I hate when teachers split up the groups into "boys over here, girls over there" or when they say "These are the girls' prizes and these are the guys' prizes."

10. I hate being called things like
Girl in the black jacket

11. I hate a lot of things

12. Sometimes I want to punch people for being so...... Eh, how do I say, cheerful.

13. I only wear one outfit, and it's strange to most people to see me wearing anything else.


That's all I will do.
I don't care.

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