Part 175

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So I was thinking, "What would happen if certain manga or anime series' were in the same universe?"

Well... I have one example.
This is Touhou (it counts because it has a few official manga series') and a certain other series that I want you to guess (first person to guess it correctly gets a drawing request-

Kaguya: It's a beautiful night *looksatthemoon* ohmYGODWHATHAPPENEDTOTHEMOON??!
Eirin: That's peculiar, the moon isn't supposed to be a crescent tonight.
Reimu: *marches into Eientei* What did you do to the moon???
Eirin: It wasn't us who did that. We were wondering the same thing

<on the moon hours earlier>
Yorihime: *trying to stab a "monster" trying to destroy the moon* WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?!?
Toyohime: Would this help? *pulls out a paper fan and causes the equivalent of an earthquake on the moon*
Yorihime: COULD YOU NOT?!?
Toyohime: You know what, I'm just gonna go see if I can get everyone to earth safely so if you do fail everyone will be fine or something.
Yorihime: *too busy fighting a "monster" in order to protect the moon to care*
Toyohime: I'll just go now *walks away*

Ok, now I want to hear more examples of stuff like this.

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