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               【 HARUKA 】
1. a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

  Haruka was always seen as calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside he was hurting. He knew he could only keep up the walls for so long. They would eventually come tumbling down, and that made him more vulnerable. (Y/N) would constantly tell him letting people in doesn't make you any less of a person. But,this time she was wrong...
   By letting people in he carried for their opinion. He cared for their safety,and happiness. Even if he never showed it with the calm look on his face. He wanted them to feel as loved as they made him feel. Sadly Haruka though had a monster inside himself known as depression. The monster would block out their kind words that they showered him with causing him to feel empty, but another mister called pride wouldn't let him utter a single word of sadness.
  The monster even now alone,as he was sobbing in his room, his back pressed against the door made him feel alone. Haruka hated the feeling of guilt that washed over him upon hearing about friends injuries. He could feel his old ways resurfacing. They wanted him to shutdown and submit to the darkness.
  Haruka was ready to submerge himself in sadness,but he saw a sliver of light in his darkness. The light called out to him and gave him hope.
He knew the voice. It belonged to a girl he befriended and admired. Her name was (Y/N), and she was his light that shone bright enough that she could block out pride and depression.
   "What do you want?" Haruka asked bitterly as he rubbed his now puffy eyes.
   "Are you okay?" Samantha asked. Haruka could hear outside the door as she sat herself down in the hallway. "You kinda ran off..."
  "I'm fine." Haruka's voice betrayed him as it cracked. "You can g-"
  "What's wrong with her isn't your fault you know right? None of this is your fault." (Y/N) said in a soft tone.
  Haruka was a loss of words. He felt his eyes swell with tears for the second time that night. His chest tightened as she continued.
  "You aren't fine, and you won't admit it." (Y/N) sighed. "You try to act like you have no feelings so people don't have to worry about you, but I know that's a lie. I know you...and God dammit I'm going to worry about you."
  Haruka stood on wobbly legs and opened his door a slight crack. His blue eyes pored through the sliver to see the girl standing with her arms crossed and a slight frown. Haruka's chest hurt knowing his pride would be damaged, but he needed his light more than ever.
  Haruka swung his door open. He then slung his arms around her neck and buried his face in the crook of her neck and began sobbing like a child.
  "It's okay." She said using her comforting voice. "You don't have to hide from me." (Y/N) whispered wrapping her arms around his back holding him close.
  Haruka hated crying. He hated having feelings, but letting them out while it may have damaged his pride it lightened his soul.
~The End~  

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