Chapter 1

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"Why are you acting like such a baby y/n? Peggy would never act like this." His voice was cold when he said that.
"Peggy? you're really going to tell me that because I'm worried for your safety and that you could get hurt that Peggy would never act like this? If you don't want such a 'baby' then I'll go so bye." I said as a tear slid down my cheek. "Fine leave, I don't care."

We were at the stark tower, me and Steve shared a room but I locked it as soon as I got in and packed my bag with things I would need especially money.

🦄 1 hour later 🦄
"Jarvis, where is Steve?"
"He's sleeping on the couch ma'am"
"Thanks, can you record this message for me and show it to him in the morning?"
"Yes ma'am" With that I got ready, I wanted to make the video without crying, but it was impossible.
"You can start now" informed Jarvis.
"Steve I love you so much, but I'm leaving. I can't believe you would compare me to Peggy and call me a baby after I was just concerned about your safety. I'm leaving so that you won't have to be with such a baby so bye. Don't come looking for me I'll be fine just know that I love you"
I walked out of the frame of the video. Jarvis ended the video and informed me that he would show Steve as soon as he woke up. "Thanks Jarvis and can you do me a favor?" "Of course" "thanks, if they ever wanted to track me down can you tell them you can't because I said so?"
"Yes ma'am, won't they be worried?"
"I don't know Jarvis but please don't tell them my location"
"Alright ma'am" with that I left. I saw Steve sleeping on the couch and as I got into the elevator I whispered "I love you, Steve Rogers"

Hey guys! I decided to do this book because of a chapter on AlannaLenea

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