Chapter 3

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Major time skip :3

             🦄3 years later🦄
3rd person POV
The avengers had no luck finding y/n. They never gave up, Steve always angry at himself for comparing her to Peggy.
   The avengers (excluding Steve) had a meeting. They found Y/n but they couldn't tell Steve about it, or who knows what he would do. They suddenly left but Steve questioned them asking where they were going and when they told him it was a mission he wanted to go since the rest of the team was going but they told him not to.

Steves POV

I didn't believe them. For some reason there was something urging me to go so I did, unnoticed.

I had been waiting for the avengers in the rooftop. They finally showed up and for some reason called me "Y/n."
"Y/n is that really you?"
"Who the hell is y/n" I had to do my mission, kill them. I started charging at them and they were surprised and said "We don't want to hurt you y/n"
"WHO THE HELL IS Y/N" I was becoming angrier by the second so I just teleported behind them and kicked them. They seemed astonish as to how I was able to do that. "Y/n since when did you have powers?" Suddenly memories of them came back to me. "Wait nat? Tony? Clint? Bruce?" Wanda? Pietro? (Yes Pietro is alive here) Bucky? what are you guys doing here?"
"We came for you y/n" I ran to them, enveloping them all in a hug. I remembered they were my mission but they are my family, I can't kill them. Suddenly out of no where I heard a male call out my name.

Steve's POV
"Y/n is that really you?"

Yes cliffhanger I am so sorry xD and there was that reference, hugs to who ever guesses what it is. Byeee

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