Chapter I

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"Hime-sama, your bath is ready" her attendant, Akira, called from inside the room.

Taking another look at the falling petals from her favorite tree, the princess nodded her head and smiled kindly, "Arigato, Akira-san. I'll be there in a moment" she answered.

Princess Chizuru turned back to watching the petals detach themselves from their tree, the spring time breeze was coming a bit too strong today. The sakura flowers will barely hold on to their branch if the breeze stays the same.

The floor on her balcony was recieving fallen flowers already, though the least the soft aroma lingered in her wide bedroom. It won't feel as empty despite being furnished with high quality bed posts, a vanity and small tables.

Akira stood outside the shoji door, waiting for her lady to come inside. Concern showed in her youthful and plain face for Chizuru. Everyday she calls for the princess, the same scene repeats itself. The princess looking longingly at the outside and her mind else where.

It took three tries to get the princess to come out of her bedroom, and that was just to take a bath. It was a little harder when being called to dine with her parents and twin brother. There weren't any issues with them as a family, but certains things discussed among them made the princess feel unsure, especially certain mentions from her brother Kaoru's mouth. He could be very rude to poor Chizuru at times, but the loving sister she is, she won't talk back to him.

Calmly, she called out for her lady again,"Hime-sama, I am sure you will not enjoy the water cold".

"Yes, I apologize, Akira-san. It's just..." her voice trailed off as she looked over her shoulder to take another peak of the petals. "It's nothing" she smiled as walking ahead of her.

Inside her room was peace and quiet, the only noise heard in that big space was the rustling of the trees. The walls blocked out noise from outside, the servants running around, guard in every corner of the hallway, children mysteriously finding their way inside the palace.

As Chizuru walked by, those in the way parted like the Red Sea, showing their respect by bowing deeply. "Ohayo gozaimasu, mina-san" Chizuru greeted sweetly. In sync the whole hall responded,"Ohayo gozaimasen, Hime-sama!".

Chizuru sighed, it was the same every morning, afternoon or night. The most socializing she got with the people serving her family was a greeting and check ups for how things are running around in the castle. Akira was the only serving person she talked to most. She doesn't necessarily get bored from her, she just wants to get to know more of the others. Isn't a princess supposed to do that?

Her parents were already in the viewing hall taking care of things. Kaoru was most likely picking fights with other court members. Everyone had something to do, and Chizuru...well Chizuru is going to clean herself up.

"Akira-san,do you think I'm useless?" Chizuru asked with a sigh

Akira gaped at her lady's question,"Hime-sama! I would never think of such a thing"

"Oh you can tell me the truth, I won't be angry with you"

Still, such negative thought never invaded her lady in waiting's mind. All she had for the princess was loyalty and love.

"I'm speaking the truth Hime-sama. Why would Hime-sama ask a question like that?" Akira said furrowing up her brows.

They entered into the room that came along with the hot spring. It wasn't the usual onsen you see in the human world. Somehow, the spring was above volcanic rock making it more hot. Of course the very high temprature was of no bother for Chizuru, she's an Oni after all.

The Oni and The Warrior **DISCONTINUED**Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon