Chapter II

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She was back in her room, sitting on the balcony. Akira stuck around to keep the princess company. She felt that maybe after what she told her, Chizuru doesn't like being alone after all.

"Chizuru-sama, careful! You might fall over the edge if you stretch out like that" Akira pleaded running by her side.

Chizuru giggled, liking it whenever Akira got flustered, she was only reaching out for a branch. "I always wanted to climb a tree" she sighed, sitting back down on her chair.

"With your beautiful and heavy kimonos, it would be difficult" Akira laughed awkwardly. What would the rest of the palace think if they saw their princess swinging on a branch?

There was a knock on the door, as Akira went to open, Kaoru just walked inside without consent. "Yo, Chizuru" he announced.

Akira rolled her eyes, when Kaoru turned she plastered on a fake smile. "Kon'nichiwa, Ouji-sama" she bowed.

Kaoru smirked,"Yeah yeah, leaves us alone a moment, peasant" he shooed.

"Yes, Ouji-sama" she answered with a slight groan. Even if she was excused, after closing the door, she stuck around to eavesdrop on their conversation. Like the good friend she is.

Chizuru looked up at her twin,"You should be nice to our helpers, Nii-san" she commented.

Kaoru could care less about the servants, as long as they don't do anything stupid he's fine with that.

He sat ontop of the balcony facing Chizuru,"So, I did some investigating about your marriage.." he began.

She slumped her shoulders, now her parents got Kaoru on board with that. She's honestly tired of hearing this all the time. "Not this again..." she sighed.

He rolled his eyes at his sister, he barely started talking and she's already making assumptions. Well, maybe she would, considering the news he's about to deliver. "He's coming to visit tonight" he finished.

Chizuru stood up from her chair abruptly, eyebrows furrowed up and eyes widened,"Wh-What? For what reason?" she quaked.

"You don't have to start crying, Chizuru. After what you said in brunch, Haha-ue and Chichi-ue thought you should meet him" Kaoru explained.

Meet him! Meet a person her parents chose. They can't be sure a love would blossom between them on the first meet up.

She crossed her arms and looked down at the fallen petals between her feet,"I do not want to meet him. They can't make me" she frowned.

"You don't have a choice, Chizuru. You're the princess after all" Kaoru mumbled the last part as if it was obvious. Well it was, common sense.

But she still heard it and it only made her feel more fustrated,"Well, you can tell our parents I have no intention of meeting him" she declared.

Her brother sighed while getting off the balcony. At least he said what he needed to be said. Her decision to show or not. So, he won't be mentioning anything to their parents until the last moment. Then he wouldn't put to blame, like all the damn time. "Suit yourself" he said before heading out.

As he slid the shoji door, Akira stumbled and stood up straight acting normal. "Were you snooping?" Kaoru demanded.

She instantly bowed twice,"N-No, Ouji-sama. I had just come back to retrieve her highness for another stroll" she jabbered.

He studied her face, harrumphed and left. After he turned the corner of the hall, Akira went i side quickly to console the princess that was probably crying.

The Oni and The Warrior **DISCONTINUED**Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin