Chapter XIV

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Kazama glanced between Saito and Chizuru and definitely didn't miss the encircled arms.

Still, with a smirk, he found a seat between the men, or more likely they moved out of his way to give him space. "Is the geiko going to serve my sake or shall I ask the danna for permission?" he asked

Saito knew something was off about Chizuru, he can tell they already knew eachother by the way she is reacting. "No, it is fine" he answered cooly

Unable to look at him, she serve him his drink, Kazama just loving this but also hating it with a burning passion. "You seem nervous geiko, is this your first time?" he sneered as the other men joined in the laughter.

Saito cleared his throat to shut them up,"I would appreciate it if you don't tease her. She won't be able to do her job much less with this kind of group"

Kazama felt a jab of agitation,"Excuse my rudeness, but why exactly are you here? Are you by any chance acquainted with these men?"

Saito, also starting to feel slightly agitated, reached his arm out to Chizuru again and pulled her at ear lemgth. Kazama looked at her the whole time, seeing if she dared to look back. "I am not. However, as I am her danna, I like to make sure what is mine remains untouched by unsanitary heathens" he replied, gripping his hand on her shoulder.

"Hmph, I suppose since you are her danna, what kind of glorious gifts have you bought her?" Kazama taunted

Saito narrowed his eyes, sensing hostility from him. What a turnout of event can this be?

"I have supplied her with her own garden of red lotuses" Saito announced

That's when her heart stopped in reality. Kazama whole heartedly gave her those huge amounts of flowers. He's done nothing wrong for her to have betrayed him such a way. Even if she is helping the Shinsengumi, she feels guilty for also having affection towards Saito.

Enraged, but professionally hiding it, his glinting eyes fell on the girls whose eyes were wide open with dread. "Is that so?" he seethed, alarming the rest of the room.

Calmly taking a sip from his cup, he stood up to walk out. One of the men calling out to him, "Oi, where ya goin'?".

"It reeks of something unpleasant in here. I rather enjoy my sake in another okiya" he spat out before completely leaving

Chizuru felt her heart combust when those words left his mouth. Her hands went limp and she fought back tears. Saito saw her face from the corner of his eye and knew her connection with the blonde haired man that just left. Somehow her reaction bothered him in some way, but the best he could do at this moment is try to let her know it's alright.

The rest of the time, the men just cursed the Shinsengumi. Chizuru and Saito were sure they would slip out some more information. But as the drinks kept coming, their conversations were just slurrs.

Also, they kept trying to get Chizuru near them, but that was quickly stopped by one of Saito's pulls and hard stares.

Finally, all of them left, and behind them, some leads to what they were planning to do.

Yamazaki came in from the ceiling as a passing mist, "I guess we will find out in three days. I'll go back to the headquarters to report to Kondou-san and Hijikata-san". With that he left Saito and a dreading Chizuru.

Saito removed his hands from her and stood silent, waiting for jer to say something. Although, with her holding back tears it might take a while. "I am sorry, Yukimura. I did not realize you had sentimental feelings for that man" he apologized with a small bow.

The Oni and The Warrior **DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now