Chapter 2

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Loud ringing woke me up in the middle of the night. I looked at the clock at my nightstand.

It was only 5:28 a.m.

In my still half slumber state, I noticed that my phone was ringing. Grabbing it and sliding the green accept button to the right, I answered with my hoarse sleepy voice.


"Hey, Angie. Sorry to wake you so early in the morning but I need to ask youu something", the voice said a little apprehensive.

"Who is this?", I retorted with an attitude. I deffinitely wasn't a morning person.

"Uh, it's Amy. F-from work", she stuttered.

"Oh!" My hand flew up to my face. "Hi, Amy. What's up?"

Amy was a petite blonde. She was a very sweet person. A little shy but everyone loved her. She looked as if she could work at Hollister or Abercrombie instead of waiting tables at a hectic Friday's. Me and her got along very well. Especially the day our manager, Mike, tried to make her work after she spent thirty minutes in the bathroom throwing up. I stood up for her and got her the rest of the day off, including pay.

The thing is Amy was pregnant.

"I didn't want to bother you but my obgyn says that I should come in for an ultrasound at two. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind covering for me. I didn't want to ask but nobody will do it for me."

"Of course, Amy. It won't be a problem. I got you, girl." Amy was such a nice person. I just couldn't let her down.

"Thank you so much, Ang!", she said letting out a huge breath.

"What times will I be working?", I asked.

"Twelve noon until three." The hours wouldn't be so bad.

"Ok, I'll be there."

"Thanks again. I'm gunna call Mike and tell him I found coverage. I'll let you get back to sleep. Bye, Ang."

"Bye, Amy", I said hanging up.

I set my alarm for ten thirty and went back to sleep, burying myself under the covers.


Looking at the clock it was now 3:05 and I was just waiting for Amy to come back in.

Just as I was picking up a check from a table Amy walked in with her five month baby bump poking through her shirt.

"Thank you so much, hun", she said handing me a much needed iced coffee from Dunkies.

"No problem, girl. Thanks for the coffee. How's baby boy doing?", I said taking a sip of the coffee.

"He's doing great and thanks to you Mommy only has five hours left today."

"Auntie Ang is happy to help. Well, I'm gunna get out of here. See you two tomorrow," I said rubbing her belly and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I got in my car and decided that I didnt want to go home. How could I rest knowing that my bitch of a mother was there. I know that if I went home that every little thing I did would just piss her off. She's lucky I dont say anything because I know she can kick me out anytime. The only time I was home was when I was sleeping. And if I wasnt home I was either working or hanging with Rita.

I decided to just head to the mall and grab something to eat and walk around for a little bit.

Stepping into the crowded food court I decided on getting a burger and fries at Johnny Rockets.

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