Chapter 8

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"So how did it go lastnight?," Rita asked while wiping down a table.

I just smiled while refilling a napkin holder.

"Ohh! My girl is sprung!" She said, tapping me on the arm.

"I am not sprung!" I said with my eyes wide. "It was really nice though. I had a great time."

Rita smiled and then cocked her head to the side. "You like the dude?"

"Well.. yeah."

"I knew it!" Rita squeeled. "He's the man that you've been waiting for I just know it."

"I hope you're right."


I was back at home, or Amy's house I should say, mopping the kitchen. Amy and Rodney had went out on a date to the movies.

I needed to find a place soon but I just needed to save up more money. Working at friday's wasnt getting me anywhere. I cant wait to graduate nursing school.

I finished mopping the last corner of the tiles when my phone started vibrating on the kitchen table. I walked over, leaving the mop leaning against the island to answer it.


"Hey, ma" I heard Dalaun's voice say.

I smiled. I swear he always got me smiling which was unusual for me.

"Hey, wassup?"

"Chilling," his deep voice said. "I was wondering if you wanted to come kick it with me."

"Umm," It was a friday night and I had no plans. " Sure, just text me your address and I'll be over there in an hour."

"Ok, ma. See you soon."


After hanging up, I quickly put the mop away.

I took a shower and quickly lotioned up my body. I needed to hurry up only because of my hair. It was so long.

I quickly dressed up in black leggings, a white cami, and a long, peach cardigan. I quickly slid on my white flip flops and then went over to the mirror to do my hair. After conditioning my hair and drying it with the blow dryer, I got my Michael Kors purse, phone, and keys and headed out.


I arrived at the address that Dalaun told me to enter. It was a huge building that said River Lofts. I was so surprised. How he could afford these lofts was beyond me. They were very extravagant and very expensive.

I walked into the lobby and got into the elevator. I pressed the number for his loft. When I reached the hallway, that had only one door by the way, I walked up to his door and lightly knocked.

I waited a second until I heard the locks turning from the inside. Dalaun opened the door, standing there in basketball shorts and Nike socks. His chest was bare! His body was amazing. He had very broad shoulders and his arms were nice and big. Not too big like Hulk Hogan but a nice muscle like a football player or something.

We both seemed to be standing there looking at each other.

"Hi." He said, smirking.

"Hey," I replied.

He moved to the side and gestured with his arm for me to come in.

"Have a seat in the living room." He said closing the door. "You want a drink? Coffee, soda, juice. Anything you want."

"Um, soda's fine." I took a seat on the firm, burgundy colored couch. His loft was nicely decorated. Not too feminine but it definitely didnt look like he did this by himself. "Nice place you got here."

"Thanks. My father's wife helped me with it." He said walking into the living room and handing me a coke.


He warmly smiled at me, his eyes twinkling in the light coming from one of the lamps. "You're welcome. How was your day?"

"It was good. Same ole, same old. School and work. How was yours?"

"Eh, nothing interesting."

"You have a lot of movies." I said scanning his huge entertainment center.

"Yeah, I like collecting them." He shrugged.

"Really? What's your favorite kind of movie?"

"I like them all but if I had to pick it would be action."

"Me too." I smiled.

"You wanna watch one?"

"Sure." I walked over to the movies. After a few minutes, I finally decided on Transporter 3. I loved Jason Statham.

He popped in the movie and then sat down next to me, putting his arm against me.

When the scene of the car chase came on I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"I would kill to have that audi a8."


"Yeah it's beautiful. I really want the A5 though. That's my dream car."

"Oh." He said his lips in a tight line.

"What?" I said looking up at him.

"I have the a8."

I gawked at him. "You're joking."

He shook his head while smirking.

"I hate you." I laughed. We settled back into the movie, me putting my head on his shoulder. It's crazy how comfortable I felt around him.

When the sex scene came on, you could feel the sexual tension in the room. Dalaun being shirtless wasnt helping anything either. Slowly but not discreetly enough his other hand made it's way to my knee. I looked up at him and saw him staring back down at me while biting his lip.

Why was this man so sexy?

When I didnt look away he leaned down and pecked my lips. I just stayed there. Hin seeing this, he did it again but this time it wasnt just a peck.

His lips feverishly pressed against mine. At first I was taken by surprise but then I started to get into it. His tongue snaked out and he licked my lower lip asking for entrance. I eagerly accepted taking his tongue into my mouth and sucking on it. He groaned squeezing my thigh with his hand. Slowly he started to rub my thigh, making me moan into his mouth. His hands snaked higher and higher up my leg until it was dangerously close to my core. I moaned into his mouth while our tongues attacked each other.

Moving his hand up an inch more, he cupped my pussy through my leggings. I gasped into his mouth shockingly but he took it as a gasp of pleasure. He then started to rub my hot core with his middle finger through my leggings. I was like putty in his hands at the moment. He pulled away from the kiss and quickly moved to my neck licking against my sensitive spot. He took his hand away from my throbbing pussy only to stick it into my leggings and rub my clit in fast circles.

I yelped as pleasure shot through me.

"Damn, ma. You aint got any panties on?"

He continued his assault on my pussy, sticking a finger inside me while his thumb rubbed my clit.

Even through all the pleasure I was feeling I had to stop this. We had just met. It wasnt right.

"Dalaun," I said, pulling his hand out. I sounded like I had ran up ten flights of stairs. "We cant."

He shook his head. "I'm really sorry, Angie. I got carried away."

"Its okay. We both did." I assured him.

"How bout I order some food?" He offered. "Chinese sound good?"

"Sounds perfect." I smiled.


A/N: Short but spicy.

Please excuse any mistakes.


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