Oikawa Tooru | Monophobia

279 13 4

Aye cinnamon rolls~ hope you enjoy this :)
(Fem! Reader)


You jolt up from bed —screaming. Sweat caked your entire body from head to toe, drenching your favorite shirt. It was that nightmare again, you've been getting the same nightmare for the past few days and it was slowly eating away your sanity. Fat tears roll down your cheek as you hugged yourself, trying (and failing) to compose your rapid heart beat. Your, now muddled, bedsheet splayed around your shivering frame forming a ripple around you.

Breath in.
Breath out
Breath in.
Breath out.

You heard loud footsteps approaching you but you barricade the sound until a pair of strong arms enveloped you. You sobbed into his torso as you let him cradle your vulnerable form. Silence ensued you both except for your occasional sobs here and there.


"(F/n)-chan... It's that nightmare again, is it?"

You clutched his teal shirt tightly while slowly nodding. He sighed, running his finger through his messy yet silky locks. You let out a muffled squeak as he pulled you into his lap. Bringing your chin between his index finger and thumb so you are now facing him.

"You know that I'm never gonna leave you right, (f/n)-chan?" He mumbled as he settled his forehead against yours.

"I know, Tooru. But t-those nightmares! It all seems s-so real!! I-i was ter-"

Your outburst abruptly cutoff by a pair of lips on yours. You hesitantly returned the kiss.

"I'm never gonna leave you." He whispered as he pull apart from the kiss.

"Tooru I-"

He kissed you again.
On the lips.
Then on your (*cough* sweaty) forehead.
Then on your nose.
And then playfully nip your chin.

You giggled.

"I'm not leaving you, (f/n)-chan." He tried again.

You let out a soft hum, melting into his embrace. Your chin on his shoulder and your hand find its way to play with his mahogany tresses. He hugged you tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck.

"I'm not leaving you, (f/n)-chan."

Oh, how wrong was he~

Your eyes shot open, trying to register what you saw a moment ago.

Oh. The irony.

You sat up and buried your tear-stained cheek on your palm, chuckling dryly to yourself. That was a promise he made to you five months ago when he was still alive and well. You slowly raised your hand to inspect the diamond band wrapped around your ring finger. Your chuckling quickly turned into muffled screams.

You did not even get the chance to tell him you're pregnant.


(n.) The fear of being alone.


how was it? :3
This was rushed ughhh
I got the idea from tumblr lmao
but the ending was entirely my idea
If you like it I might continue this one-shot collection so please tell me what you think about this! advices would be very much appreciated! thank you!!

Haikyuu!! X readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя