Ushijima Wakatoshi | Kill or be killed (1/2)

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Zombie apocalypse AU


4:30 pm

Crimson liquid splattered on your face as the rotten body slumped to the ground with a loud thud ;staining the pavement dark red. You cringed at the overwhelming stench and pulled up your bandanna to cover the horrid smell.

The once thriving Miyagi, now completely dull and lifeless. Dead trees littered the area along with rusty vehicles and bodies. The vibrant buildings, now grey and mundane. And its people? They turn to something even science could not explain.

You slit one of them cleanly on the throat and stab another on its head. (So it looks like this: 🦄. That was unnecessary lmao. Going back to the story now.) You made your way to 'base', exterminating every walkers in your path.

And to thought that same person who cowered below a desk several months ago, now caked in dried blood, swinging a knife with a straight face was something that never crossed your mind.

You entered the convinience store cautiously through the shattered window, your trusty bayonet tucked safely in your belt. It was dark and eerily quite. The aisle of shelves are empty and covered with dust. Although it may not be grand —this convinience store has been your home for these past few weeks.

A patch of bright red hair peered around the corner of the raided shelves, his droopy eyes widened as he spotted your bloodied state.

"(L/n)!! What happened? Where were you?" He scream-whispered. (And yes that's a thing.)

"It's not mines, Tendou-san," you looked around, "where are the others?"

"On the rooftop."

You nodded and made your way to the ladder. Tendou followed you not far behind, commenting on how you smell like shit but you ignored it, instead it put a rare smile on your face. To think that he would be the same old Tendou you know months ago before all this mess started made you warm.

Out of the remains of the Shiratorizawa volleyball club, you were the only one changing. (Yes you were in the female Shiratorizawa vbc) Never have you noticed it until Tendou mentioned it out of the blue. Starting from your demeanor to personality. You used to be open and bubbly, talkative and soft-spoken but as time flies and hell broke loose; you changed drastically. That vulnerable little larva, now a full grown mosquito that would feed on blood, Tendou once joked.

You opened the trapdoor that lead to the roof, shivering at the cold breeze that came in contact with your uncovered face. The light breeze ruffling your tresses as if teasing you. Sighing in content, you did not notice the hand infront of you.

"(L/n)." He waggled his arms.

"Ah. Gomen Toshi-kun." You grabbed his calloused hand as he pulled you up steadily.

"Jeez (L/n)-chan, took you long enough," Tendou grumbled below you then made a grabby hand gesture. "Ne, ne Ushijima!! Help me up too~"

The ace stared at the red-head for a second before walking away. You chuckled dryly, apologizing for your best friend's behavior then pulled Tendou up.

Ushijima Wakatoshi is your childhood friend since you both were still in diapers. His stoic personality clashes with your bubbly personality but like they quote: 'opposite attracts'. You both were joined to the hips.

You sat beside Ushijima with both of your legs dangling on the ledge.

But you are not who you used to be before, your personality now matches with the olived-haired boy. He may not show it, but it disheartened him to see them like this.

"There's a convinience store to the direction of —what's its name again? Kara—Karasuno. There are plenty of untouched, useful wares there."

"You went all the way to Karasuno?"

"Yes," you ignored the intense glare directed at you."but I didn't get too close to observe anything else, the place was crawling with walkers, an experienced individual wouldn't be able to fend themselves."

"Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"Well yes... But you need to make risks in order to survive this cruel world. No pain, no gain, Toshi-kun."

It was deadly silent soon after and none of you dared to break it. His face was unreadable and yours was nonchalant as ever.


The tension was broken by Ushijima.

He sighed (holy shit that's rare) and ruffled your hair; mumbling something about you being similar to Karasuno. Was he still salty about his loss to Karasuno?

"...well then, tell the others we're leaving at dawn."

You nodded and left your spot to tell the others.

He stared at your back for a while as you approached Semi. He missed your old self.


This was in the draft since I started the account lol. Never had the motivation to finish it so I'll probably seperate this into 2 parts. Weeeeeeeeeee

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