Kiyoko Shimizu | Barrier

136 3 0

Tokyo ghoul AU

cause I love TG so much
Lmao I NEeD more Arima FiCS ;-;



You hummed in response, acknowledging her presence. (H/c) tufts of hair swayed with the gentle winter breeze, a sad smile plastered on your face. You know she wasn't able to see it, of course. That's how you want it to be anyways.

You diverted your attention to the full moon as you gripped the railings tighter, your knuckles as pale as the snow beneath you.



You forgotten to bring your gloves again.


She approached you slowly, leaving behind footprints on the snow as she did so. She knew the reason why you requested her to come to the secluded park in the dark of the night. Winter, nonetheless.

She knew.

But she still came.

She stood beside you, her gaze on the frozen river beneath her. You brought your infamous white suitcase, she noted.


"(F/n)... I-I love you..."

You finally glanced at her. Streams of tears rolling down her cheeks. She smiled softly.

"I know this day would come. The risks I took was calculated. I know my life would be on the line, yet here I am."

You reached your back for your suitcase to unravel a dark blue chūtoko blade with tints of green splattered all over it.

"Here... I... Am..." she took her glasses off and tried to wipe off her tears with the palm of her hand. "I'm ready to face the consequences."

It hurts.

Her kakugan activated, involuntary.

She blinked rapidly.

Her gaze was obscured with black dots but she could make out a figure infront of her— you... and your quinque... rammed through her chest.

Crimson liquid trickled down her chin.

"Gomen, Shimizu. Maybe if we were in a different world... it would work out. I... love you."

And you twisted the blade, watching her with an indifferent gaze as she took her last breath. You pulled out the weapon, cradling her lifeless body before she fell to the ground.

Droplets of blood reached the ground. Staining it deep red. You finally let a tear escaped. A defeated look on your face.

I'm sorry...


"I'm sorry!!"

You frantically picked up all the books and stationeries that splayed on the ground. Students around them stopped to take a look before resuming what they were doing after satisfying their curiosity.

"I'm sorry!" You repeated after handing back the fallen belongings to the owner.

You blushed furiously as you took a glimpse of the person you bumped into.


She giggled before holding out a manicured hand towards you, "Kiyoko Shimizu."

Your blushing intensified as you fumbled for words, "I like m-memes— n-no wait, w-wait. (L/n) (f/n). My name is (L/n) (f/n)."

She giggled again.

"Nice to meet you (L/n)," she smiled. "You are new, yes?"

You nodded.

"I'd love to show you around Karasuno and have a chat with you but I have club activities to attend to, next time?"

You nodded vigorously.

She gave you a tiny smile before dashing off.

'Kiyoko, huh?"


I'm sorry!!
This was rushed
and horrible
This is horrible.
I'll probably re-check this
Ugh, i need to sleep it's 4:23 am here wow (▔皿▔)

Anyways if you are confused, the second part is you and Kiyoko in a different world~ which is the normal Haikyuu.

Haikyuu!! X readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя