Broken Hearts and Emptiness

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Jack's POV

I woke up to the sight of Jessie sleeping. She looked beautiful when she slept. The way her fringe swooped over her eye and her eyelashes just say still. She looked perfect. Her head lay on my chest and my arm around her. Tracing circles on her shoulder watching her sleep. I slowly kissed her forehead with the memories of last night flashing through my head. It made me smile, a night to remember...

"Good morning sunshine." Her morning voice said to me as her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning beautiful." I replied. She really was beautiful. "Sleep well?"

"I sure did! But I had a terrible nightmare." She giggled.

"And what was this nightmare?"

"You went home and starting seeing someone else, forgetting all about me and when I came back you wanted nothing to do with me." Tears filled up her big brown eyes. I wiped them away and as continued. "Pathetic, I know. I just don't want that to happen."

"And it won't." I reassured her. We lay in silence for a bit. But it wasn't that sort of awkward silence, it was a nice silence of being in each others presence. I looked around her room, the walls were still plain and not everything was complete but all the furniture was in. Book shelves, lots of them and her bed and clothes drawers. A few frames lay against the walls. A massive one with photos of everyone back home, home. I'll be going back home in about 5 hours. That's just too soon.

I started singing a song in my head. A song I knew Jessie would like, one she loves and it just fit I to the moment perfectly.

"If I lay here... If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?" I asked her.

"Of course I would, forever and ever as long as I was with you." And this is what love feels like. The butterfly's in your stomach, the constant smile around them and the things that that person does to you. She makes me crazy for her.

Thinking of the loss of her makes me feel empty. Like I'm nothing.

"When you go back will you promise to call me every day?" She asked me.

"If it means talking to you then yes. We could Skype, but I don't think your wifi's up and running just yet..."

"No, I don't think so either. I am going to miss you too much Jack Harries."

"I'm going to miss you too." I replied and I felt tears filling my eyes.

Jessie's POV

I walked him all the way to customs. Mum wasn't here this time so I could take as long as I like unless it makes Jack late. Which I don't mind cause I get to see him longer but his mum would hate me forever.

He held me in his arms one last time before saying his last goodbyes.

"I don't like saying goodbye Jack," I said with tears streaming down my face, they were streaming down his too.

"Let's not make it a goodbye, we'll see each other soon. So it's just a 'see you soon'" he told me. I liked his voice. I liked his smile. I liked his eyes. I loved him.

"See you soon Jack Harries."

"I'll see you soon Jessica Andrews." I held him tight. Not letting go of my grip. I was not letting go of him so easily this time. I wanted him to stay. "I'll phone you when i get off the plane."

"Sure thing." I told him. "I love you."

"I love you too." And he let go. Turned away and walked off. Without even looking back. My heart sunk. What has my mum done to me? The tears falling from my cheeks to the floor. I felt lost. I was missing something. Something important in my life, him. I walked around the airport looking for the way out. I wasn't sure where it was because a) it was my second time in here b) because I didn't care.

I did not care about anything in this world right now. Nothing. Except the boy that I'll never see again.

I eventually found my way out of the airport and got myself into a taxi that took me home. I walked in and my mum was on the couch. I barely noticed her, I don't even know if she said anything. I blanked everything out and walked to my room, broken.


Next chapter should be uploaded when I get time to write it and let's hope it doesn't delete itself like this one did! Remember to vote and follow me guys.

- Lauren x

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