Chap 10 "Killing A Shapeshifter"

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Natalie's POV
My phone vibrated and I had gotten a text from Alexis. "She should be having fun with Adam," I sighed. I checked the text and stood up. "We gotta go."
"She's slow dancing with Adam," Sam replied. "What does that have to do with us watching the beautiful view?"
"Alexis needs my help," I nodded. "Let's go." We snuck into the ball. "Alexis."
"Natalie," Alexis hugged me. "Thank god you're here."
"Are you sure Derek Morgan is a shapeshifter?" I asked. Alexis had nodded. "Hey Derek. Let me take a picture of you." He smiled and I held up my phone. "Thanks." I put my phone down. "You're right."
"I'm waiting for the Winchesters to get here," Alexis sighed. I smiled. "I didn't want to but I had to."
"Alexis," Dean picked her up and spun her around. "How's my princess doing?"
"About the shapeshifter or about what's going on with you?" Alexis asked as she crossed her arms. "Because I can take the shifter, I'm just confused about you. What's wrong with him, Sammy?"
"Do I look like I know what's wrong with my brother?" Sam looked at Alexis. I sent my Sam and Adam to the food table. "I have a hunch."
"And that would be?" Alexis asked.
"You kissed him," Sam sighed.
"And that is right," Dean nodded. "You, Alexis, are now my girl."
"Haha, you're funny, Dean," Alexis replied. "I'm not your girlfriend."
"Can we take care of the shapeshifter and then you guys talk that out?" I asked. "I kinda want to spend the rest of my night with my boyfriend."
"I had suspicions about you and Sam," Alexis smiled.
The ball ended and Morgan walked over to us. "Time to go, baby girl," Morgan sighed.
"I'm not going anywhere," Alexis nodded.
"Stay away from her," Dean replied as he held a silver knife to the shifter's neck. It started to sizzle and I saw a bit of steam/smoke. "She was right about you." Dean killed the guy. "So, what were you saying?"
"Just because I kissed you, it doesn't mean we're a couple," Alexis replied. "I had to distract the thing one way or another. Besides, I'm with Adam."
"Ready to go?" Adam asked as he put his arm around Alexis.
"Almost," Alexis nodded.
"Who's this?" Dean asked.
"My amazing, annoying game nerd, boyfriend," Alexis smiled.
"You think I'm an annoying game nerd?" Adam asked.
"I'll see you at home, sis," I smiled. "And Adam, you don't even listen to Alexis every time you come over and play a game."
"Even if it is on your phone," Alexis nodded.
"I will see you soon," I smiled. "Sam will be over if you come home early tonight." I left with Sam. We got into our cars and Sam followed me to my home. Sam followed me inside and closed the door. Sam was about to touch one of the lamps. "I wouldn't touch that if I were you."
"Why?" Sam asked.
"That's Alexis' favorite lamp," I replied. "She wouldn't even let me touch it."
"Really?" Sam asked. "Wow." He sat on the couch. "This is a nice house."
"Thanks," I smiled. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
"No, I'm good," Sam nodded. "Well, I could use a water."
"Alright," I smiled. I grabbed two bottles from the fridge. I walked into the living room and threw one to Sam. He caught it. "Nice catch."
"Thanks," Sam smiled. "Don't you ever get exhausted?"
"Why?" I asked.
"You work, you run, you do almost everything with Alexis," Sam nodded. "Do you ever have time for yourself?"
"I at least try to," I nodded as I sat next to him. "Whenever Alexis is at work, I take that as my free time."
"What do you do?"
"Just relax and watch Netflix."
"What shows?"
"Just something I find interesting. I also watch Harry Potter."
"Really?" I was intrigued. "Who's your favorite character?"
"I don't know. Do you have one?"
"Hermonie Granger. Uhm, Emma Watson, I think."
"Yeah, she's good too," I nodded.
"So, now all your time that Alexis isn't home or doesn't have time to spend with you, you spend it with me?"
"You're my boyfriend. A healthy relationship, we need to see each other. At least before you go back to Sweden anyways."
"We have Skype."
"It won't be the same as just having you here."
"I know but at least you still get you see me."
"That's true," I laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm just going to miss all the times we spend together."
"I'm going to miss you too. But I can always come back for a surprise trip just to see you."
"Thanks for telling me that," I looked at him. "Now I'm going to be anticipating it."

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