Chap 19 "Mission Completed"

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Alexis' POV
"Gotta go undercover," I replied. "And this time, I'm going." I got dressed in a red dress with red stilettos. I also had a red matching clutch. "I'll see you guys in a bit. You got my back, right?"
"Not going anywhere," Block nodded. I was about to walk out. "Alexis?"
"Yeah?" I asked as I turned around. Block walked up to me and took off Duke's tags. "Thanks."
"Can't walk in there with this," Block nodded. "Now, go."
I went to the location of the ball they were having. I walked up the stairs. "Good evening," the guy stated.
"Good evening," I smiled. I handed him my fake ID. "My name is Amy Vandervoort, Chief of Staff."
"I'm sorry ma'am your ---"
"Late, I know," I cut him off. "Imagine the army it takes to make me look like this."
"Forgive me," the guy nodded. "That's an army I'd like to enlist in."
"Speaking of lists," another guy walked up to us, "would you like to explain why you're not on ours?"
"Here she is," the guy with the list replied. "Chief of Staff."
"Enjoy your evening, Miss Vandervoort," the second guy replied as he handed me my ID.
"Thank you," I smiled and joined the party. I sighed. I made sure I was far enough away and took my hand to my ear to turn on my earpiece. "I'm in."
"Roger that," Block replied. "Standing by."
"Alexis, you keep your head down," Adam stated. "Be safe."
"I've been in the business for a few years," I replied. "Don't worry about me." I stopped the president. "Mr. President. Amy Vandervoort, Fox News."
"Fox, of course," he smiled and shook my hand. "That's why you look so fair and balanced."
"Very cute," I nodded. "But I was actually hoping to have a..."
"Dance?" Mr. President asked.
"I was going to say quote," I looked at him.
"Okay, here's a quote," Mr. President looked at me. "The world will change after my nuclear summit. How about we dance?"
"I really, I don't dance," I nodded. We got on the dance floor. "Thank you, Mr. President. You gave me what I need. But I really have to make my deadline. It's been a pleasure."
He kissed my hand. "Thank you," he replied.
I walked to my clutch and put the strand of hair in my DNA lipstick tester. "I got a strand of hair from his jacket," I sighed. "I hope it's enough."
"Copy that," Natalie replied. "Standing by for ID."
"I don't take no for an answer," Mr. President smiled as he walked up to me.
"Okay," I sighed.
We started dancing. "Almost there," Block stated. "Zartan?" I nodded. "Alexis, get out of there now."
"I must go," I nodded. I grabbed my clutch and left. "Okay."
"Alexis?" Adam asked.
I went to the stairwell. "I'm out," I sighed. "He's on his way down. This is your only chance."
"Roger that, Lex," Sam responded. "We got it from here."
"You only get one shot at this," I answered as I took off my heels.
"One in the chamber," Block whispered.
"Block, Block, where are you?" Adam asked. Adam picked me up. We saw a guy holding a gun. "What do I do?"
"Run him over," I responded. Adam did. Adam put the truck in reverse but we hit the garage bin. "We need a faster car." Block got into the truck and we went to the rec center. "Zartan is the President?"
"The nanomites," Block nodded. "This isn't good."
"I have to change," I sighed. I looked at myself in the mirror. Natalie, Block, and Sam left the room. Adam sat with his back towards me. "If my dad could see me now..."
"What are you talking about?" Adam asked.
"He wouldn't believe it," I stated.
"Why?" Adam asked as I started to change.
"Third generation military," I replied. "Desperately wanted a fourth, and my mom had me."
"Well, he must be real proud of you, then," Adam replied.
"He didn't believe in female soldiers," I sighed as I put on Duke's tags. "I finally asked him why. He said I don't want to put my life in the hands of a woman. I enlisted into law enforcement the next day. Spent the next two years trying to outrank him so he's have to salute me."
"Did it work?" Adam asked.
"He died before I got the chance," I sighed as I put on my cami and shorts. "Five years ago. He got caught in the crossfire when he came to LA to see me."
"I'm sorry," Adam's voice was calm. He turned around to look at me. "You know, if it's any sort of a consolation, I'm actually going to miss the red." I looked at him. "You look real nice."
I smiled at him. "Just wait till you see me in white," I smiled. "We have one more year." We walked out to the pit. "Okay."
"What do we have guys?" Block asked as we sat down to eat.
"Zartan's entire focus has been this nuclear summit," Natalie responded. "It has to be the key to whatever he's planning."
"Alright, well, then that's our target," Block replied.
"Yeah," I sighed.
"Guys, move," Block replied. I grabbed my gun and hid in the dark. Block and I guarded the front. I got out and started fighting someone. I held my gun at her and she held a sword at my neck. "I think I'm faster than you, Snake Eyes." I looked at him and Snake Eyes had a gun pointed at his crotch. "Damn ninjas." Block chuckled and did some handshake with Snake. "Good to see you, brother."
"Alexis," I sighed.
"Jinx," said the girl.
We lowered our weapons. "Back up," Adam said. He walked in with Storm Shadow. Sam and Natalie came out of hiding. He had a sword held at Adam. "Explanation?"
"He's with us," Jinx replied.
"I'm not with you," Storm nodded. "But for this once, I am not against you."
"How many of our men has he killed?" Adam asked. "We're supposed to fight with him?"
Storm made Adam lower his weapon. "The leaders of the world will gather tomorrow. It's a trap," Storm explained. "It is."
"Storm is the only one who knows Cobra's plan inside and out," Jinx replied. "He can help us find a way to stop it. But we have to work together."
Snake nodded. "Alright," Block sighed. "Alexis, do you wanna call the shots?"
"He tried to kill Duke last time," I replied. "Do you really want me calling the shots?"
"Duke told you to take care of the team," Block replied. I looked at him. "Fine. Let's move." The sun started rising and we went to Grandpa's house. He showed us where all his weapons were. He had them placed all around his house. "Whoa."
"Merry Christmas," Sam stated.
"Makes you wonder about your neighbors," I replied. "Or what happened to my mom's boyfriends when she lived here."
Grandpa got his friends together and we recon that night. "Colton's team, it's an honor," Block replied. "Alexis, you got this?"
"Yeah," I smiled. "You guys take the perimeter. Sam, Adam, Natalie, and Snake, take the flank." I looked at Block. "Jinx and Storm, Trojan Horse. Zartan will be holding the briefcase. Storm will be the closest man to him. But he can't move until we're all in position. Everyone keep your eye on the prize. We secure the football, we secure the world." I looked at Snake. "Snake, how's all that sound?" He looked at me. "That's what I thought."
"Wait, hold on a second," Natalie sighed. "We still have enemy armor here, here, and here. These tanks survive, we don't."
Block and I looked at each other. "Leave the tanks to me," Block nodded. "General?"
"Call me Joe," Grandpa smiled.
"Anything we missed?" Block asked.
"No," Grandpa nodded. "Rock solid. My orders?"
"The President," I replied.
"Brenda's with my team," Grandpa sighed.
"Roger that," Block nodded.
"Does Brenda get a vote?" I asked.
"Negative," Block sighed.
"You need a pen?" I asked.
"I need your help, Tinkerbell," Grandpa nodded.
"Other than helping Colton, what else is your mission?" Adam asked. "We all got a big part to play in this."
I showed the dog tags I was wearing. "We're doing this for Duke," I nodded. "Those are my orders."
"Alright, let's kick that ass!" Block stated. "Hoo-ah!"
"Hoo-ah!" we repeated.
We hopped on a cargo plane and went to Fort Sumter, South Carolina. Adam and I got of the plan first. "You take care of yourself, alright?" Adam assured.
"Always am," I smiled. I followed my grandpa to a car. "Are you sure about this?"
"Yeah," Grandpa nodded. I got into the impala with an open trunk like a truck. Grandpa got into the trunk and laid down. I started driving. "You got this Tink?"
"Yes sir," I sighed.
"Eyes on the Emerald City," Adam stated. "Alexis and Colton, you're a go for POTUS."
"Got it," I smiled. I hit the e-brake and drifted the car. Grandpa kicked down the trunk and started shooting. I held my gun out the window and shot as I turned around. I stopped the car and checked my shoulder. "Okay."
"You alright?" Grandpa asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "You alright?"
"My cholesterol's a little high," Grandpa replied.
I rolled my eyes. "Alexis and Colton, checkpoint neutralized," I sighed.
"Block secure the perimeter," Jinx stated. "Firefly has the case."
I got out of the car. Grandpa and I started taking down the guards at the White House. I took down the last guy. "That was for hitting on me," I sighed. Grandpa took off his jumper and he was in a suit. "Go." The cellar doors opened up and we shot the guy. Grandpa rolled down the stairs and shot the two guards. I walked down and we walked into the room and saw the president with another guard. "Stop."
"Stand down or I'm going to shot him," replied the guard. I pointed the gun at him. "Be a good GI Joe and drop the gun. We're walking out of here." Grandpa nodded his head. "I will shoot him in the head. Do you understand me? You're not listening, are you? Put the gun down! Drop it!"
I shot the President in the shoulder and Grandpa took the guard down. Grandpa went to the President. "Easy, easy," Grandpa sighed. "Put some pressure on it."
"General Colton," Mr. President replied. "It's good to see you."
"Good to see you," Grandpa replied as he got the cuffs off the president.
"Sorry, Mr. President," I sighed.
"No, it's fine," Mr. President replied.
"Come on, let's move," I stated. We started walking out. "Roadblock, POTUS secure. No casualties."
"Roger that, Lex," Block responded.
"We need eyes on Firefly and Cobra ASAP," I responded.
"On it," Natalie replied.
"I thought you died on me sis," I smiled. "Good to hear your voice."
"Block, Cobra Commander's bugging out," Sam replied. "No sign of Firefly."
"I got him," Block responded. I saw Block and I ran up to him. "I gotta get to that case."
"On it," I sighed. "Just keep him busy." I got out of hiding. I was getting shot at so I hid. "Block, I need some coverage, here." Block had Firefly and knocked him out. I grabbed the case and cancelled the launch. I sighed and sat down. "Thanks."
"No problem," Block nodded.
"Threat terminated," I responded. "Team Bravo, perimeter has been cleared and secured." I stood up and grabbed the case. We started walking. Block pressed a remote and the guy blew up. "Goodbye." We met up with the team. "All Joes are accounted for. We're going home. But first, a little ceremony." We went to the white house and changed into our military uniform. "It's been so long since I've worn this."
"Captain Alexis Inthavong," Grandpa smiled. "Your father would've been very proud of you."
"Where can we find you, General?" Block asked.
"All I need are my orders," Grandpa nodded. He looked at me. "And I believe you would need to wear this." Grandpa put tags around my neck. I looked at them and they were Duke's. "Keep him close to your heart."
"Well, it's time for us to head home," I nodded. The President let us borrow his private jet and headed back to LA. I changed on the plane and Duke's dog tags seen. We got into a black SUV. "I think we owe it to our friends at the BAU to give them some peace of mind." I drove us to the BAU and we walked inside. I walked into the conference room and Morgan attacked me with a hug. "Hey."
"I thought we lost you," Morgan replied.
"I lost a team," I sighed. "Adam, Nat, Sam, Block, and I are the only ones left." I looked at my team behind me. "Also got Snake and Jinx." I fiddled with the dog tags. "Look, it wasn't my team to begin with. It was Duke's. He saved my life and lost his in the process. Now, I'm out of a job."
"No you're not," Morgan nodded.
I looked at him. "Morgan, I turned the position over to you," I replied.
"You left your box here, and I set up your office for you," Morgan looked at me. "Cruz asked where you went and I covered for you."
"You and I have very different meanings of covered," I nodded. "What exactly did you tell Cruz?"
"He told Cruz that you went off to save the world with the Joes," JJ replied. "Cruz let you off the hook because Cruz knows the operation."
"He used to be a Joe," Block nodded.
"Well, I have to go and fix my office, if Morgan arranged it," I sighed. "You guys wanna help me?" I turned around and Snake popped up in front of me. "God Snake." We hugged. "Hey. Is there anything else the Joes need my help with?" Snake nodded yes. "What is it you need? Because that's not coming through to me." We went to my office and it was made the way I wanted it. Morgan had every little detail correct. "Wow. he had it right." We sat down as I sat down in my chair. "So, what is it you need from me?"
"We need a Captain," Block looked at me. "You have enough skill to be recruited and become a higher rank than I did."
"Thanks but for now we are home," I nodded. I opened my duffel bag and got out a picture of Duke and I that we took. I put it on a shelf behind me and hung Duke's tag on the frame. "He'll always live on in our hearts."
"Hoo-ah?" Block asked.
"Hoo-ah!" we replied.
"Now, I gotta go take care of my unit," I sighed. They followed me to the conference room. "If you and Snake will be reinforcers, be my guest."
"Snake and I have somewhere to be," Block nodded.
"Make sure to stop by, alright?" I smiled. Snake nodded. "And you need to talk."
"Yeah, that's not going to happen," Block responded.
"Well, you gotta go home to your girls. If you need me, I'm a phone call away," I nodded. "I'm always available to help a Joe in need."
"Hoo-ah?" Block asked.
"Hoo-ah!" us Joes replied.
Block and Snake left. "That's what's left of us Joes," I sighed.
"Hoo-ah?" Morgan asked. "Sounds like you guys are saying hoo-hah."
"Don't make fun of our phrase," I nodded.
"Well, Duke's was drive it like you stole it," Adam replied.
I smiled. "I miss him," I sighed.
"Who is Duke?" JJ asked.
"Garcia, pull up a picture of Conrad Hauser. Duke. GI Joe," I sighed. Garcia ended up pulling up a picture of Duke and I at the GI Joe military ball. "Garcia, I wasn't talking about that but okay."
"Sorry," Garcia shrugged.
"This picture was before I had gotten recruited," I sighed. "He asked me to the first GI Joe ball because he had no one else to go with. Yes, we dated a little bit but I considered him at my big brother." I looked at the picture. "He sacrificed himself to save me. The convoy blew up. I kept his dog tags."
"Hey, you knew we had to keep going," Adam nodded. "It's alright. You and him were chemically bonded from the first time you guys knew each other."
"Yeah," I sighed. "Those feelings are still there but I have you. Duke was just my brother." I nodded. "He took care of us when we couldn't save ourselves."

A/N: that's the end of this. I just happened to add the second GI Joe movie and the language go to the rightful owners. No copyright intended. I just felt it was right for the path of the characters I had. But I hope you really enjoyed. Happy reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

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