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Your eyes fluttered open, as you awoke, sweating. You had just had a nightmare. As you put on your F/C slippers, you padded your way to the common room, you bumped into George . "Oh! Hello Y/N!" He said, surprised. "Hi George ....." You muttered. "H-hey, what's wrong?" He asked, gently. "I, had a nightmare." You informed him. He gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder, it'll be alright, here..." He said, producing a small circular bottle . "Its a sleeping draught. " George  explained, "It'll give you a totally great sleep until you choose to awake, 3 Sickles in Fred  and me's joke shop." He smiled and walked off. "Sweet dreams." He called after me.

When you awoke, it was 7:30 ,  "shit" you thought, yanking on your robes. You opened the door and walked briskly to the potions lab. You opened the trapdoor, and said nice and clearly, "Sorry I'm late sir..." And to your surprise,  Snape said, "its quite alright, I know you didn't mean it." You saw all the seats were empty except for one, beside Lee Jordan. He grunted and sniggered at you as you almost fell on your seat.  Snape explained about how we were going to make a harming potion. You got out your textbooks, and found a potion so strong, one sip could damage the drinker's brain. You got an ounce of dragon liver out and chopped at it thoroughly. Lee prodded at you with his black steel knife, and cut your arm. "Whoops." He said carelessly. The twins saw this and Fred lunged at Lee while George had your hand in his, making your way to Madam Ponfrey's hospital wing. George lay you on the bed and Fred went to get Madame Ponfrey. The rest of the hospital was empty. You were unconscious, and George stared at you, and very gently, leaned down and kissed you. 

OK, that's it really it for this chapter, idk what to say. Dumbledore senpai!!!!!! Bye dudes, and dudettes. - Maniac

George Weasley x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora