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1 year later..    

You p.o.v BTW.

The battle of Hogwarts had begun. You were safely cuddled up into an armchair, sniffling. You thought, "this-this could be my death..."  A small tear fell from your eye, as you glanced outside from a large window that had previously been smashed. You saw George wandering a corridor, looking for Fred. "Fred? Where are you? Hope you're not putting beetles in my bed again" he muttered. And with an air of deep surprise, he said "Oh! Y/N! Have you seen Fred?" You shook your head. "I'll look if you want, you know, with you.." You offered. George nodded and sped off into a corner, so you went the other way. You tiptoed through the cracked tiles, the blood and bodies of tortured students and teachers lay there. You saw a cracked pillar on the floor with a large pile of rubble with it. A spike of ginger hair poked up from behind it, glazed with blood. You gasped, it was a Weasley! You ran over to the pillar and saw Fred, soaked in blood and covered in grey faded wall pieces. "Fred..." You cried, tears falling into his hair, making the blood run into his mouth. "Y/N?" You heard from behind you. It was George. Tears fell silently and fast from your face. George saw what you were knelt over. His twin. Like a coin with only one side, useless. George fell to his knees, his voice choked with tears. "Fred!!" He whispered, his eyes blotched, hands limp. "Y/N , Are you OK?" He whispered. You shrugged and muttered "what do You care?" He looked astounded, then muttered something you couldn't hear. "What was that?' You snarled. " Because I love you goddamnit!!!!" He yelled. " he pointed his wand at himself and choked the words, "Avada Kedavra." A huge ray of green light burst onto him, and hurled him backwards. You instantly ran over to him and he smiled weakly at you. "Mischief Managed" he laughed, before his eyes glazed over, his last breath taken. You screamed at him to "Wake up!!!" But he didn't. You lay the two lifeless Weasley's beside each other. "Mischeif Managed" You said softly.

There you go! Hope you enjoy, byeeeeeeezieeees!!!!   -Sorrel xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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