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Fingers kneaded temples as eyes shut from frustration. How could this be the right thing to do? A piece of parchment lay on the grandiose desk. The smell of melting wax hitting his nose, normally a smell that he found to be filled with the promise of a better world, now left his tongue dry at the thought of what was to come.

How can they expect that this will go over well, what will the parents say? Slumped into his large leather shined chair he opened his eyes slowly looking . The room was a morose pallet of shadows and moonlight. The leather on the two couches at the front of the room shimmered in the moon beams, giving the illusion of plasticity. The color leaked from the imported Persian rug that lay beneath the clawed feet of the couches. Two small ornately carved wooden chairs were placed on an angle in front of his desk. The wood was a deep brown, but looked like black color leaching light.

At the tip of his desk sat a golden plaque, it read "Minister of Magic". There was so much that came with that title: honor, respect, the ability to help others with the stroke of a pen. He wished that he could use his power as Minister to change this, but there was no way to get out of it now.

His eyes crept down to the document before him. It was written in fine penmanship, all of the letters written carefully. He felt his anger heat up inside of him. Nostrils flaring he grabbed the handle of the small bowl resting over a small blue flame, and poured its contents. Red wax made up one half of a balloon. He grabbed the stamp that rested to his left and collided it with the wax. And as he lifted fate away, it sealed with its kiss.

The parchment shimmered for a moment, lifting into the air, illuminating the dark office in bands of color. He had seen this before, with other documents. It was a momentous moment where thought became reality. Normally one of the best moments of his job was witnessing this metamorphose from idea to law, now made him feel sick to the stomach to think of what he was doing. The light soon faded as it lowered to the desk, sucking the colors back in to itself. There was nothing left to do, it was decided, and there was nothing that could have been done in the first place. At the top of the paper in large quilled writing was Marriage Law.


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