September 1st

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Lottie opened her eyes slowly to the morning light. A smile forming slowly on her lips. Today was September 1st, the day that she got to leave her family and all of the awkwardness she felt around them for a few blissful months.

She pulled back the crisp white covers on her large weathered wood posted bed. She touched her feet to soft fibers of the elegant mixed green area rug that rested under her bed. She walked quickly over to her matching dresser, the feeling of old waxy hardwood underneath her feet. She opened the top drawer. In the center of the drawer was the clothing that she was wearing that day which she had left for herself the night before. She had packed the rest in her white floral patterned trunk, which was lying next to her bed her initials gleaming in gold on the side, matching the gold accents on the corners and latches of the trunk.

She grabbed the clothing and dashed in to her matching attached bathroom. She stripped from her pajamas folding them neatly and dropping them in the hamper next to the door. She went through the rest of her morning routine: shower, hair, makeup, go to the toilet, put on her clothing, run her wrists under cold water to help set her nerves, and finally brush her teeth and spray on her perfume that smelled like pink roses.

She closed the door to her bathroom to look at the floor length mirror on the back of the door. Looking at herself in the mirror she fidgeted with her hair until her strawberry curls fell down in controlled ringlets down her back just the way she liked it. She smoothed her clothing trying to get rid of any wrinkles she could find.

She exited the bathroom, and dashed out of her mint green room, leaving the door open. She walked briskly to the dining room where the rest of her family was sitting. Her father sat at the head of the table reading the Daily Prophet, one of the house elves, Toppy, pouring his morning coffee. Her mother sat, back strait, sipping her morning tea slowly. Her brother and "her", or the perfect daughter in law Odette, where eating their food slowly. They all sat in silence.

She sat down at the table, Toppy walked over to her and placed Lottie's favorite breakfast in front of her. Lottie arched her back and ate slowly.

"Morning Charlotte," her mother placed her tea down and looked at her, "Did you sleep well last night."

"Yes," Lottie replied even toned, she hated how her mother called her Charlotte.

"Are you ready to go back to school?" Her mother looked away and reached for her tea.


"Make sure that you talk to the nice boys in your house." Her mom continued, "Maybe you will end up marrying one of them."

"I'll try mother." Lottie looked down at her plate. This was a common conversation that she had with her mother since she started Hogwarts, especially now that she was approaching the age of 18. And like always her father remained indifferent throughout the exchange.

Lottie sat in silence for the rest of breakfast. When she finished her plate she placed her hands in her lap, kneading her hands. The rest of her family went on to talk about this and that, she really didn't pay attention, but she made sure to look at who was talking and to keep up the act of being interested.

At some point Toppy came to pick up her plate and she felt the elf pat her arm discretely. Lottie gave a quick smile to the elf. Toppy was a sweet heart and had always been the most loving towards her at home. Always sneaking her, her favorite peach tarts. Helping her with her hair when she was little. Reading her stories, and comforting her when she felt sad and alone. She was almost like a mother.

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