James's Letter

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There are many traits that could describe James Sirius Potter: smart, handsome, hilarious, all around perfect in every way, and humble. Well, at least if someone asked James what his traits where that is what he would say. Now this wasn't to say that James was a player, because he was not, most of the girls at school board him with their attempts to be more popular, or famous. In fact, James had only had one girlfriend for a week during his third year.

Even if he had no idea how to describe himself, James knew two things. One, that he was awesome, and two, that he was a damn good quidditch player. And as long as he remembered those two things, the world was alright to him. And with his amazingly great large extended family, the Weasley's and his Uncle Dudley and his family, the world was perfect. And to top it all of he had an amazing immediate family.

His father, Harry Potter, or also known as the "boy who lived" defeater of Voldemort, was so cool. As the head of the Auror department at the Ministry his father was a badass hunting down good for nothing ex-death eaters. The best part was that he was very determined to allow his children the proper childhood that he always wanted. So there where many stolen cookies from the cookie jar, and many small gifts that he would bring home after long trips.

His mother was just as amazing as well. After 7 years on the Holly Head Harpies, as one of their most outstanding chasers, she retired and became a sports analyst for the Quibbler. She decided that her time of glory and fame had come to an end when a bouncing bundle of joy known as James came in to his parent's lives. So she quit the big leagues and got a job from Mr. Lovegood. She was an amazing mother, she listened, and knew things about James and his siblings before they even knew it themselves. And most importantly she paid attention, every one deserved to have their mother pay attention to them. That was something James was certain of, it meant everything to have a mother that cared that much.

He loved his parents with all of his heart, and it was clear that James, like his family, was fiercely loyal. He would do anything to protect his parents. They were his everything.

James also had two of the most annoyingly perfect siblings in the world. First was his little brother Al, or Albus Severus Potter. Where Al had inherited their father's eyes, stunning in their own right, James had inherited his Grandpa Potter's Hazel beauties. Al was also shorter and his hair was a bit more unmanageable. But unlike his older brother, Albus Potter was a natural at school. It wasn't as if James wasn't good at school, because he was, he was towards the top of the class. But the difference is that Albus enjoyed school and learning and all of that.

His little sister Lily was the hottest headed girl that anyone where to ever meet. She was a fiery redhead and was proud of it. She made a point to make herself known. She was charismatic and dramatic. And something that everyone learned was that they were never to cross an angry Lily. Because boy did she live up to her mother's name when it came to the Bat Bogey Hex. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of her curses.

Now there where definitely expectations that James had to live up to. As the heir to the Potter fortune, it was his job to carry the torch of the Potter Loins onto the next generation. This meant that at some point he would have to man up and have the balls to get married. James feared the day that this happened. He knew that people saw him as a ticket to the lime light. Who wouldn't with his family, he felt hopeless.

So his future was already decided for him. Everything laid out in a perfect scheme. First he would graduate, then he would start a boring job that would grind his nose in to a shredder every day until there would be nothing recognizable left. Then he would marry one of his many adoring fans who excelled at ditzy-ness and how to keep perfectly polished nails from breaking. What every man enjoyed in life. A woman to call his own with no brains and their priorities wrong.

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