"Liv, what's wrong?" My Mum asked me when she walked in to my room. She walked over to my bed and sat down next to me as I fiddled with my fingers "Did one of those boys do something? Because I will have no problem going over there" She said and a chuckled slightly.
"No, well yes. But it wasn't them, but it kinda was at the same time" I started to get upset again over what the girl said and their laughs.
"Its okay pumpkin, tell me when you're ready." My mum sat with me until for a while until I told her what happened and she just nodded along as I ranted to her. "Well maybe you shouldn't hang out with them for a while. I don't know Liv, but you should do what feels right."
"Mum, what if I go to Melbourne for a few days? You know get away from here and see dad and my friends before we all have to go back to school." I told her as I shrugged my shoulders.
"That does sound like a good idea, I will go call your father and talk to him about it" She said and got off my bed and walked out of the room. I sat there for a few minutes in silence before the doorbell rang. I walked down stairs and opened the front door. It was Luke. The butterflies returned as he began to speak.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked me as he fiddled with his fingers nervously. I shook my head.
"I don't really feel like talking at the moment" I said quietly as I looked at the ground.
"Well you don't have to, just listen. Please, or can I get your number so I can text you?" Luke asked.
"Liv, when do you want to fly out?" My mum asked as she walked into the entry way. I looked back at Luke who looked stunned. I gave Luke my number and told him to text me. "So when do you want to fly out?"
"Friday" I said.
"Okay I will book it and call your dad" With that she walked off to the study. I went to the kitchen and made a cup of tea and Nutella toast. I took it up to my room to eat. I put it on my bed side table and got in to bed and started my laptop. As I was waiting for my laptop to load I started eating my toast until I was interrupted by my phone. It was Luke texting me.
Luke: Hey, have you got skype? Cause it would cheaper easier than texting :-)
I texted him my skype name. I logged in to my laptop and Luke had sent me a contact request. I accepted and Luke messaged me.
Luke: Mind if I video call you?
Me: Nah it's fine :)
Luke's name popped up on the screen and I accepted the call.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me with a small frown.
"I'm fine" I said as I looked at my keyboard.
"Look I know you heard what Stacy said" He sighed and I nodded.
"Does it really matter and who is she anyways?" I said picking up my cup of tea and taking a sip.
"Yes it does matter and she was Michael's girlfriend. But after she said that he ended it."
"Really?" I asked. I felt bad that they had broken up, but she wasn't exactly the nicest person.
"Yeah, he felt horrible that you heard what she said." Luke looked like he was actually worried.
"Then why did you laugh at her comments?" I asked looking at my tea as I tried to not get upset over the words again. I always do this, I take every bad critism to heart but when someone says something nice to me and I just shrug it off and just think of it as a lie.
"Calum was mocking her, but she didn't realise that. Please you have to believe me" He begged and I laughed.
"I do believe you Luke, why wouldn't I?" I asked him with a smile.
"Well, I don't know. But at least you believe me" He smirked at me. "So are you going to Melbourne? Is that what your mum asked about?"
"Yeah, but only for a couple of days next week, I should be back by Friday" I smiled at him.
"When are you leaving?"
"This Friday" I informed him.
"Okay" was all he replied with. We talked for about another hour until he had to go out. Do I like Luke? Of course I like Luke, but do I like him in that way? If I do what do I do about Dylan? Would he hate me? Would he think it's for the best? My thoughts were soon interrupted by knocking on my door. "Come in" I said.
"Hey honey, just me. You've got a flight on Friday at 9am. So make sure your bag is packed." She smiled at me. "Have you had dinner?" She asked before walking out.
"I just had some Nutella toast" I said. "But I don't want any more"
"Okay then" Mum walked out of the room. I went on Tumblr and twitter for a little while. I started to feel tired so I shut my laptop, turned off my lamp and tried to sleep.
It was 7am on Friday morning; I was just putting my suit case in the car to head to the airport. Luke said bye to me yesterday after our movie marathon, even though we have known each other for a few days it feels like we've known each other our whole lives. There is never a boring moment when I'm with him. He makes me laugh and makes me happy.
"Ready?" Mum asked.
"Yep, let's go" I smiled at her. We hopped in the car and drove for half an hour to the airport. Once we were at the airport, we went to check in. Mum checked me in and we walked to security. Once we were done we went and got some breakfast.
"Be safe okay. If you have any problems call me and I will put you on the next flight home" She smiled at me. "As soon as you get off the plane call me and be safe" I laughed at how worried she was.
"You said be safe twice" I giggled
"It's because I mean it" She smiled. The PA system announced that my flight was boarding. I hugged my mum and put my carry on back pack on my shoulders.
"Love you, have fun" She said.
"Love you too, don't miss me too much" I laughed and so did she before I walked off to my flight.
© xKelsey5SOSx