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The pounding in the left side of my head lulled me awake. I pulled my self into a sitting position and rubbed the afflicted area. When I drew my hand back it was sticky with blood. I rubbed my eyes trying to remember what happened, when a yell drew my attention.
"Eli, she's awake!" The voice drilled into my head with every syllable. Suddenly, I realized the "she" they were talking about, was me. My hand reached involuntarily to my side, and found nothing. I crouched, ready to attack. From across the courtyard I saw a group of people, moving cautiously towards me. All of them seemed afraid, except the man leading them. He was striking, with dark olive skin and deep frown lines. He couldn't have been much older than me, but looked as though the weight of the world had been placed directly onto his shoulders. I followed the line of bodies with my eyes, looking for weapons. Many of the people had knives but only three carried guns. I turned on my heel and took off, only to smash into a towering wall of scrap metal on my third step. I fell to the ground in a pain filled heap. When I tried to stand, a strong hand caught me as I fell backwards. The smell of salt and fresh cut grass filled my entire being.
"Woah, careful. Just lay down." A deep, slow voice danced into my swirling thoughts. I took the advice, sprawling out onto the soft patches of grass below me. My thoughts seemed to crash together in my head and I couldn't remember why I was so scared, but I was. The urge to run was pulling at the edges of my mind when the world turned black.
I woke up with my hands tied down, and what looked like an IV in my arm. I pulled against the restraints trying to get free. I finally gave up and looked around for something I could cut them with. The door opened with a pop and the man from before sauntered in chewing on his full bottom lip. He was silent for a bit. I could see his feelings dancing beneath the surface, and falling across his eyes.
"Where did you come from?",
He questioned with anger that seemed to shake the room. I opened my mouth to tell him, but no words came. No thoughts came. I couldn't remember a single thing about my life. I tried to remember who my parents were, or how I had ended up in this place. Tears filled my eyes, and I angrily wiped them away.
" I don't know."
I locked eyes with him,
"I don't know anything".
I ripped at the restraints.
" Get these off, get them off",
I screamed beginning to panic. I cold realization crossed my being.
"You did this didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?"
I saw red, I screamed and pulled at the restraints completely leaving the sane part of myself behind. I pulled and kicked and sobbed.
"No, no stop. You're going to hurt yourself," his words were no longer angry, and I recognized the voice that had soothed me in the courtyard.
"Get this out if my arm, stop taking my memories",
I sobbed.
" It's alright. Shhh, we aren't taking them. Let me get that out, it's just fluids."
He cautiously moved towards me and drew the needle out. My blood puddled on my skin before he stopped it.
"Get some rest, we'll talk when you wake up. I guess we have a lot more to talk about than we thought."
With that he popped back out the door and left me alone to my thoughts. Eventually sleep engulfed my mind.

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