Together At Last

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Holding Juliet's hand as they walked out of class, she saw Seth fidgeting next to the door. "Um, Rosemary, you said that you meddled?"

She smiled, putting an arm around him. "Let's head to your locker, dear. He'll be there soon enough, I assure you."

"Yes, but what did you say?" Seth pressed, anxious eyes searching her face. "I mean, I don't usually like people going around, butting into my love life - "

"Would you relax, kid?" They reached his locker, and Rosemary leaned against the wall, pulling Juliet into her arms. "There he is."

David came, normal pace at first, but slowed down when he saw the group awaiting him. "Um... Hi, Rose, Juliet. Hey, Seth. What's all this?"

"You know what this is," Rosemary told him in a singsong voice.

He frowned, seeing what she meant. "I didn't expect to have an audience. Especially not of my ex girlfriend and the girl she cheated on me with," he added, trying to be funny, but just making it unnecessarily uncomfortable. "Right."

Seth looked at David expectantly. "What's going on?"

"Rosemary said she was helping," David growled, his usual grumpy face ever present.

"Seth gave me explicit permission to meddle," Rosemary defended herself, holding on to Juliet more tightly.

Seth sighed. "True. I just don't know how she exactly went about it."

"Our ex is weird," David admitted. "She was asking me about my sexuality."

"And?" Seth asked.

"And I never really responded. I don't really know," David admitted. "I mean, I like to think that it's just girls, that I'm totally straight - "

"I'm bisexual," Seth blurted out.

They looked at each other for a minute, no one saying a word. Rosemary wasn't sure what was about to go down, but the wait was killing her. That was when her phone lit up with a text from Ryan. "Oh, wow. Would you look at that. I'm going to... Go, now, downstairs, to talk to my pale crush. Oh, Juliet, darling, won't you join me?"

"Of course, Rosemary, love." They walked away hastily, desperate to escape the situation. Rosemary could tell when she was intruding. "Your ex boyfriend's boyfriend doesn't seem too ready to admit he's gay."

"Not unready, just afraid. Seth has been wanting to come out to him forever, but was afraid that he was just a homophobic tool. I mean, that's why we thought he dumped me," Rosemary explained.

"Right, not because you cheated on him or anything."

"He could've said so," Rosemary sighed. "Ah, well. I think it's going to work. Do you know why?" Juliet raised an eyebrow. "Because they're us, genderbent, and we've always agreed on that."

Juliet shrugged. "True. David is you, so far back in the closet that he's terrified to even consider he's in love with his best friend, dating any pretty girl who'll have him, just to keep anyone from knowing."

"And Seth is you, bluntly in love and patiently awaiting the right time to say so, just to try to end up with his best friend who he's lucky enough to call the love of his life."

"Did I miss something?" Rosemary looked over, and there was Ryan.

"Ryan!" she squealed, lunging forward to hug him. "It worked, it totally worked!" she declared. "They're up there talking right now, and I see good things coming from it!"

Ryan stumbled back, trying to regain his balance under the force of Rosemary's hug tackle. "I'm glad to hear. So, does that mean you two are together?"

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