Ch.13-cold and ruthless

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Kaden's POV:
  Walking through my private garden, the wind blows my brown hair back as I think, "dad would want me to become king. To claim my rightful place on the throne." Catherine by my side, she holds my arm, "you think you can do this Kaden?"
  I nod and pluck a light pink rose and hand it to her, "of course I can, once I'm crowned king of all Castor, I'll make some changes."
She smells the rose and smiles, "it's quite lovely, thank you your highness."
  I stop and raise her chin to mine, "what did I tell you."
Catherine blinks "I'm sorry Kaden, I forgot."
I sigh and squeeze her hand gently, "I'll deal with you later."
She blushes as they keep walking, "so tell me, when you become king; will you take a wife?"
I look forward as my eyes sparkle in the afternoon rays, "I plan on it, why do you ask my dear?" She shrugs "no reason," as Jefferson walks up and bows, "your highness, your uncle wants you in the throne room right away."

I nod "of course," as I turn to the gorgeous blonde beside me, "I have to go, but I'll see you tonight." I kiss her hand and walk with Jefferson back into the castle.

    My uncle glares down at the trembling man in chains, "what's your name peasant."
The man gulps and has stained blood on his arms and legs, "M-Marcel your g-grace."
The uncle sits in the glass throne, "I hear that your little rebel group wants to kill the crown prince. Why?"
The man gets shoved to his knees by a guard as the man pleads, "no, you have it all wrong your majesty. We love the prince, but the people want Damaris back on the throne, not you!" He spits on the floor as the doors open revealing Jefferson and Kaden.
"Nephew, come in. You're missing all the fun."
Kaden walks up to his uncle and sits down as he looks at his uncle, "what is the meaning of this?"
  The uncle taps his finger "a villager has formed a plot to get Damaris back on the throne," he whispers softly.
My eyes widen as I slowly turn my head to look at the softly sobbing prisoner, "do you not like how I rule this kingdom commoner?"
The prisoner speaks, "n-no your highness, the people just want peace."
  "And I can't give them that, I see. Do you have a family I wonder?"
The man nods, "a wife and 2 children m'lord."
I rub my chin, "was your family apart of this rebel group?"
The man stays silent as a tear falls down his dirty cheek.
"Answer me!"
"Y-yes," he sobs. "But don't kill them, my daughter..she's sick. She needs medicine."
I summon Jefferson as I raise up my hand for silence. He asks, "yes master?"
I say, "kill them all." Jefferson nods and smiles as he walks away. The man meets my death filled eyes as he cringes and moans, "please your highness, I'm begging you."
  The guard forces the mans head down as the uncle nods to the executioner. The man in the black hood walks up and pulls out his sword.
  "Any last words, traitor."
The man says a silent prayer and closes his eyes, "happy birthday your highness," as the gleaming steel sword is placed upon the mans skinny neck. I watch all this with a grin plastered on my face as the man gets ready for the final blow.
And with a swish of the sword, the mans head rolls on the tile floor. The body falls to the ground as blood oozes onto the floor. I grip the edges of my seat and walk out, as I walk down the hallway.

   Going into the training room, I remove my jacket and pick up a sword. I feel all mad inside as I swing it around and attack a dummy. Punching it, I back up and wipe the sweat off my forehead. My hair sticks to my forehead as I curse, "Damaris, I will find you. And when I do, I shall end you."
  Grabbing a bow and arrow, I point it at the ceiling, pull it back and let it fly. I smile as Jefferson walks in, his fur was drenched in blood, the scent still thick in the air.
"Is the deed done?" Whacking the dummy, he nods as I huff "good."

   Jefferson walks out as I focus on the dummy and imagine Damaris's face on it. Striking a few blows, I stab him in the chest and pull it out. I smile as evening comes around, the cooks were getting tonight's meal prepared. Walking out of the room, my uncle greets me and eyes the dummy, "have fun nephew?"
"I was just practicing what to do when I meet one of the Cordovans uncle."
  He crosses his arms as he walks to the dining hall as I follow him, throwing the sword in the room.
  My brown hair sticks to my forehead as I ask, "so uncle, tell me what do girls like?"
He fights back a laugh, "why would you want to know? You're not married, yet you need to be."
  My eyes drift downward "I know, and I was just asking," as a light blush forms.
He raises an eyebrow in suspicion, "o-k. Well girls like romance, flowers, chocolate, they want someone who isn't afraid to show them the real you. No matter how bad you are."
  I nod, "interesting, thank you uncle."
We walk into the dining hall as I sit by my uncle and my most trusted assassin. Jefferson nods at me as the servants bring the first course, leg of lamb.
I eat it up quickly as my uncle swallows his meat "so Kaden, it's time you find a bride."
  I cross my arms, "I know uncle. You've made that very clear these past few days."
He sips his wine and nods as Jefferson implies "what about Catherine?"
I glance at her as she smiles, her blonde hair flowing down her white and blue dress. I shrug at him, "she seems nice enough, but when the time is right."
  Jefferson shrugs, "maybe another has stolen your heart and you just don't know it yet," he smirks. Biting my lip, Jefferson laughs in his squeaky voice "I knew it. Kadens in love."
I kick him under the table as he winces in pain.
     "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me, good night." Standing up, I walk away as I grab Catherine's elbow. She looks confused as I walk her away from the dining hall.
  "Can't I finish eating first?"
I close my eyes and open my door, "get in, I have some business to attend to."
  She obeys and walks in as I mumble, "how did he know about Emily?" Catherine asks, "what did you say Kaden?"
  "N-nothing dear," as I step inside the warm room and close the door with my foot. Unbuttoning my shirt, I peel it off revealing my scars on my side and arm.
  Catherine walks up to me in concern, "your-"
I grip her arms and pull her towards me as her eyes go wide. Pressing her to my body, I brush my lips against her neck as I hear a soft moan.
Looking into my eyes, she reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses me as I place my hands on her small figure.
  "I love you," she whispers.
I lean her back on the bed as my hand travels down her arm, "I know."

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