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The sound of the moving trains bumping against the tracks made me shiver a bit; I'm not very used in riding trains, it's not popular in my hometown. And I've never seen a train station that is more advanced than this, that makes it even more scary; because any circuit may explode out of nowhere. The thought makes me cringe.

I'm supposed to be going to Shibuya to meet up with Joey, the  youtuber with shaggy hair; he's a friend of my brother. I'm supposed to hand him over something that's from my brother, and it looks like it's some sort of ultra rare anime figure.

After that, my parents allowed me to stay over at their friend's house at a condominium that's located in Shibuya. I'm going to stay there for two weeks, and the problem is I have no idea how to get there!

I can't ask just anyone for the directions; I don't know how to speak god damn Japanese, and they might not even know English!

I mumble multiple cusses under my breath, looking for foreigners who look like they can speak some American English or some language I actually know. I know I'm not supposed to be judging people by their looks, but this is pretty much my last option.

A tall pale guy, with not so muscular figure, and blonde hair passes by in front of me. A foreigner, the only fucking foreigner in this hell-like station, I thought.  But most gyaru boys in Japan bleach their hair blonde as well.

But gyaru boys aren't pale as that dude.

I immediately ran towards the guy before he disappears out of my sight. I absolutely cannot let that happen. He's the sunshine in this train station of darkness. I absolutely let him slip away.

As I get near enough for a conversation, I tug on the hem of his black leather coat not so forcefully; he might mistake me as a burglar. (Are burglars even popular in this place? Most of them seem friendly.)

The tall guy glances at me, looking down due to my petite height. He stops walking, his sepia colored eyes are focused on mine. The lenses of his glasses reflect an image of a nervous little girl. I should speak already before he goes away, I thought myself as I breathe deeply.

"Um, do you know how to get to Shibuya? I'm getting very lost as far as I can tell." I can feel my lips close as firmly as they can, my whole body shaking and trembling slightly. I hope he can speak English, dear god. He's my only god damn hope.

"Oh, you.. um, just take this train, then after 3 stops you-." His stuttering soft high pitched voice, somehow cute, suddenly stops.

"I'm going in the same direction though." He muttered the words I had been hoping to hear. His peach colored lips formed a small smile, and I died a little bit on the inside.

"..Can I come with you? I won't be a nuisance!" I said, probably looking like the most desperate and awkward person he's ever met. Though it doesn't seem that way, since he nodded and smiled at me. "Just follow me, or walk by my side." He said, though he immediately starts walking. So fast, I mumbled; but then I realize that we've been in the way of the pedestrians. He must have felt so bad for the people around us. Now I feel really sorry.

I walked side by side with him, though I inspected some of his features. He isn't the typical jock you'd see at school, or the usual nerd; a pretty average guy.

His tall height gives off a vibe that feels like you're being protected, but somehow I can feel that deep inside, he's nervous too. I giggle as softly and as quietly as I could.

"Ah, is there something wrong?" He looked at my side, and I felt somehow red. If looking at you is considered wrong, sure. I shook my head, not speaking out loud. He continues to walk without having a conversation with me.

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