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We've gotten out of the station thanks to the friendly security guard earlier, and after that, we've been walking non stop. I was going to ask him if he had a bike or something, but he wouldn't have used a train if he had one.

We haven't been conversing with each other the moment we started to walk, so I brought up a topic to get to know him a little better. He is Joey's friend and all, so he might be nice like him.

"How'd you meet Joey? Were you guys schoolmates, OR anything else?" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows. Shine glanced at me and chuckled, then continued looking at the street.

"I don't remember though." He muttered bluntly. It wasn't the answer that I was expecting, so I sighed. They probably met in a gay bar or something.

"Are you close friends with him?" I walked faster so that I would be in front of him. As I was in front of him, I faced in his direction, walking backwards (and bumping a lot of people), grinning at him.

"We're close, I guess." The moment he finishes his sentence, I bump into a girl with a Starbucks drink on her hands, and on her clothes.

My eyes widen and I bow in front of the girl. "I-I'm sorry- Shit- I mean, uh.." My whole body trembles as she looks at me with a very irritated face.

"Ah, ごめなさい。私の友達は不器用な人です。" Shine says something to the girl in an apologetic tone. I stand next to him, dumbfounded and clueless about what the heck they're saying.

"ハンカチが取るください。" He gives her a blue handkerchief and the girl smiles, but as she walks away from us, I hear her say some kind of Japanese slur.

After the girl walks away, Shine gave me an annoyed look and it made the hairs on my skin stand up. "Just walk properly," he said as he started to walk again. I made such good first impressions, I sighed as I followed behind him.

I didn't talk to him after that while we were walking: It was pretty obvious he didn't like me, or my attitude. My lips were sealed, and same goes for him. His pale pink lips were firmly shut, implying that he doesn't want another conversation.

But that seal quickly vanished when we arrived at the Hachiko statue, crowded with young adults meeting up with each other. "It's Joey," Shine pointed at a distance without extending his arm, and there we saw the shaggy haired man, with his checkered navy blue winter coat, and black denim pants, waving his hand at us.

Shine started to walk faster, and everyone who knew what was going on would immediately imply that he was more excited than me to see Joey. Conspiracy confirmed: They met in a gay bar and Shine's in love with him.

Joey gave Shine a high five, then he looked at me and waved his hand, "Hey there, uh, what's your name again-" Joey laughed, but I don't know if he was kidding with that question.

"Vivienne," I told him, and immediately I put down the backpack and placed it in front of me. Both of them were looking at me, but Shine looked more confused. I opened the bag and took out a box that was wrapped in blue crepe paper.

I handed the box to Joey, and his mouth was slightly open, probably in amazement of the anime figure he's holding. "Oh my god," He muttered under his breathe, though Shine had his hands folded, his eyed looking very curious. "What's that?" He said.

"Her brother got me the limited edition Shinobu figurine that he got before. God bless him." He exhales from his nose heavily, in awe of what's in his hands.

While Shine and Joey talk about some things that I don't understand, I look at my cellphone to check the time. 2:51PM. Holy shit.

"I need to go now- I need to be at my aunt's place before 3PM." I stutter as I fix the things in my backpack before closing it with my trembling hands.

My Sunshine: Einshineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें