Chapter one

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Willow and Whisper were only 5 years old when they got in a car crash with their parents. Their parents died almost instantly, but thank fully both Willow and Whisper survived. Willow was asleep during the tragic event, but Whisper is left mentally scarred.

POV: Whisper
I wake up covered in sweat, trying to remember if I took my pill the night before. I walk down the stairs feeling weak and trying my hardest to keep my balance. The second my grandmother sees my pale face she knows what has happened, so she walks me to the couch and gets me a glass of water.
"Did I take my pill last night?" I say, thinking out loud. I study my grandmother's face as she replys.
"I'm sure you did. Why don't you ask Willow?" I knew she lying from the look on her face.
"Did you stop me from taking the pill?" Her face flushed of all color and I knew something was going on.
"What's going on grandma, why did you stop me from taking the pill?" I ask this, but I already know why, I want to hear her say it to know it was true. So, after a long conversation with her, she explained why she needed to take me off the pill to see the progress of the medication. I decided to stay home from school for the day, but felt the need to leave the house. So I went on a walk around my neighborhood. I, of course, had my pepper spray for protection, but the streets were empty. Willow was home by the time I was back from my walk, I have no idea how long I was out of the house. When I walked in both Willow and my grandma had serious looks on their faces, the entire room felt gloomy and I knew something happened.
"What happened? Is there something wrong?" They looked horrified at the question. Willow was the one to answer," Your therapist wrote you a new prescription for a stronger medication." She looked down like a hurt puppy who had done something wrong. I was fighting back tears at that point, so I ran up to my room to think things over. I was furious with myself because I couldn't remember anything that occurred the night before. It wasn't even 24 hours ago, how have I forgotten? While still angry at my family for not including me in the plans for MY mental health, I walk down the stairs to ask about the meds. I at least want to know about it, even if I don't agree with it, it's for my own good. As I take the pill from Willow I feel uneasy. I take it with some water, then go to bed. The next morning everything seems fine, until I go to walk down the stairs for breakfast. I froze in my tracks when I saw her. "Mom?" I had tears in my eyes. This isn't real, how could this be real..I watched her die.. I held her hand as her last breath escaped her body. I closed my eyes and stood there, hoping she would be gone by the time I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes and sighed in relief when all I saw was an empty flight of stairs. I continued down the stairs, and proceeded to pour myself a bowl of cereal. I then realized I had missed the bus. At first my heart skipped a beat, then I knew it was best if I do stay home..I just saw my dead mother in my house. The day goes by like a routine, and I know tomorrow will be a good day because after school I have an appointment with my therapist. My visits with her are always comforting and safe. School went by fine, like always, but this visit was anything but comforting. She seemed weird and awkward while talking to me. I could tell she wanted to go at a faster pace than we usually go at, so I decided to tell her about my hallucination. She told me it was just a side effect of the new medication, and it would go away within a week, but to tell her if I see anything else. So leave her office, not knowing if I felt better or worse. Willow gave me a ride home, and I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, forgetting about my pill. I wake up from a continuous loop of the car crash, I re-lived the event over, and over, all night. I try my hardest and get out of bed to go to school. I acted like everything was fine because I knew how much of a burden I was, and didn't want to put any stress on their minds. I need a way to remind myself about the pills every night, no matter what. So I put an alarm on my phone, to go off around the time I usually go to sleep. I hope this plan works.

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